Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2052 Let's Play Bigger

Feng Wei felt that since he had already played big, let's play bigger.

As soon as Zong Ze and the others heard Feng Wei's words, they knew that she wanted to play big, so they went directly to the five major bases to poach the wall.

After the previous events, they are already popular, and with the temptation of genetic modification fluid, they can attract many people properly.

"No problem, I can find someone to issue missions in large, medium and small bases, do you have any requirements for recruiting people?" Zong Ze thought for a while and asked.

Feng Wei said: "First of all, you have to pass the test of character. It's okay to drag your family and children, but you have to be worthy of the reward we pay. If you don't do well, you must leave at any time."

"I'll give you some more information later, and we'll publish it together with the task announcement. In addition to those who build the city, we also need to recruit experts in various fields."

"The remuneration is to share the information. There is also a reward for food and lodging. Those who have research results can also reward the genetic modification fluid. You can use it yourself and give it away to others."

At present, the recruiting of several major bases is mainly based on the treatment, and they are the same.

"By the way, let me emphasize that the food will be the same as before the end of the world, and the rewards will be points or crystal nuclei." She added.

Surviving in the last days is already very difficult, and it is even more painful to eat such unpalatable things. They also have a relatively big advantage in diet.

Zong Ze said with a smile: "This alone will probably attract many people to come."

There are many foodies before the end of the world.

"It is stated in the task that you will be interviewed here, and there will be a probationary period after you pass, and all those who are unqualified will be expelled. Therefore, those who are not good at character, those who like to play small tricks, and those who don't like unity, you'd better know yourself and don't come here. "Feng Wei felt that it was better to put the ugly words up front.

"Okay, I'll let them highlight it." Zong Ze asked again: "Then besides experts, what kind of talents do we need to recruit? Are people with special abilities mainly?"

Feng Wei replied: "Ordinary people can do it too, people from all walks of life should do it, anyone who thinks they have a skill or ability can try it, including chefs and so on."

The people on their side will go out to find energy stones and materials, etc., and it is impossible to waste time and energy on cooking.

It's good to recruit some chefs to cook food in different ways.

"That's good, a few more chefs will come, and we'll have to build a big canteen after the food and lodging are included." Qin Zhe said with a smile.

Zhuang Yi rolled his eyes at him, "When it comes to eating, you get excited."

"Our treatment and benefits are good, and now that we are successful again, there should be quite a few people coming. Let's make preparations for the reception in the next two days." He added.

He also held a great hope for the construction of the city.

"By the way, I have to build a separate laboratory for me. I will let several reliable assistants and dealers who specialize in weapons research come from the Kyoto base." This is the key point of his request.

Feng Wei smiled and said: "No problem, what kind of laboratory do you want, just communicate with Xi Ye, and then let him arrange it for you when someone recruits."

She only needs to be responsible for the macro control.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye on Xi Ye from now on." Zhuang Yi looked at Xi Ye meaningfully, "You have to make it better for me."

Meeting Zhuang Yi's workmanship, Xi Ye suddenly felt that this chief executive didn't seem to be that easy to do.

He said dumbfoundedly: "When the time comes, you will put forward your request, and I will just let someone else do it."

"That's about the same." Zhuang Yi smiled with satisfaction.

"By the way, what's the name of our city? Choose a name so we can release the mission." Zong Ze suddenly remembered that the city they were going to build didn't have a name yet.

In the end, several people discussed it, and according to Xi Ye's opinion, they named the city "City of Hope", which means that this is the hope of mankind in the last days.

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