Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2127 What's going on?

Since Bu Xu saw Uncle Feng Wei's formation talent and ability just now, he has decided to make friends with her no matter what.

He was sure that Feng Wei's uncle had a high level of attainment in formations, and none of the most powerful ancestors of their Bu family could match him.

If you can communicate with the other party for a while, you will definitely benefit a lot.

So when Feng Wei said this, he said with a good-natured smile, "This is moonstone. Former monks liked to use them for lighting."

Feng Wei asked: "Can this thing still be found now?"

It can be so bright without electricity, and the torch and lamp are easy to use, after all, no power supply is needed.

Bu Xu smiled and shook his head: "I couldn't find it for a long time. I heard that in ancient times, this kind of whale in the sea spit it out on the night of the full moon. It was not easy to collect it at that time. Now this kind of whale Extinct."

Hearing what he said, a member of the Yinhun sect said to the middle-aged man: "Senior brother, shall we pick something back from the wall later?"

They also think this moonstone is valuable.

The middle-aged man thought for a while and nodded: "Yes."

The two did not avoid everyone when they talked, Zhuang Yi also asked Feng Wei: "Shall we go back too?"

He really wanted to take this thing and study it carefully, to see if he could borrow the light-emitting principle from it and use it.

Feng Wei also had such plans, "Of course."

People from the Guwu family and the three major families were also moved.

But now we need to use this thing for lighting, so everyone didn't move.

Going forward, there is another stone door in front of you, this time the door is smooth, obviously it is not opened with a seal.

The middle-aged man had a lot of information about this cave when they came, so he walked over and bit his finger, and then drew a symbol on the stone gate.

The symbol soon appeared from the stone gate, and then the stone gate also rose up.

Feng Wei and Bu Xu exchanged a look, and they both wanted to join forces.

The Yinhun sect obviously came prepared, and they have a deep understanding of the cave, which is a disadvantage for them.

When the door was opened, everyone saw that there was a hall inside, and there was nothing in it.

There were three stone gates around, and everyone was a little speechless. The monk lived in this place, why did he fix so many stone gates.

A group of people walked in, and then a jade slip suddenly and slowly fell from the top of the hall, suspended in mid-air.

Seeing this, the members of the Yinhun Sect and the Guwu Clan showed joy.

One of the Yinhun sect members jumped up to grab the jade slip without hesitation.

Seeing this, the members of the Guwu family wanted to stop the same thing from grabbing it, but who knew that the person who jumped up was in vain.

The middle-aged man frowned, raised his hand and flew out a roll of filaments from his sleeve, trying to hook the jade slip, but also failed.

Someone from the Guwu family also jumped up to grab it, and their hands landed on the jade slip, but it was as if they were grabbing the air.

"What's going on here?" Someone asked puzzled.

Obviously this jade slip is hanging in the air visible to the naked eye, but why can't it be caught?

Zhuang Yi looked at Feng Wei and asked, "Beauty Feng, do we want to try?"

Feng Wei shook his head: "No need to try, no one can get it now."

"Why?" Zhuang Yi and the others looked at her curiously and asked.

Others also set their eyes on her one after another, looking like they were seeking knowledge.

Feng Wei replied: "There is a formation restriction here, so the jade slip should be in a space similar to folding. Only when we break the restriction can we get the jade slip."

I was a little dizzy when I changed the text before. I will write after I rest. Let’s continue at 20:00~~

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