Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2128 And she is one of them

Feng Wei's words made the Guwu family and the Yinhun sect agree, and they also discovered that there are restrictions around the jade slip.

"Miss Feng, will you break the formation restriction here?" Bu Xu asked.

Feng Wei shrugged, "I don't know, I didn't study it carefully, you guys try to break it first, I'll take a break."

"..." Losing the pot was so fast, she didn't seem to be very tired before, so she should have a good rest?

It's just that everyone doesn't want to have a bad relationship with her now, so they didn't say anything ugly.

The middle-aged man and Bu Xu took their own people to look for the formation restriction and its flaws.

Whichever side finds out, it can be regarded as taking the lead.

Feng Wei took out a table, talisman paper and talisman pen from the space.

"Look at them, don't affect me." She pulled Huo Xiaoliang's sleeve and said.

Huo Xiaoliang nodded and said, "Okay!"

Seeing Feng Wei bent down and began to draw talismans seriously, Zong Ze and the others also remembered what her uncle said earlier.

One by one, they stood back, left, and right to surround her in the center, in a protective manner.

Feng Wei naturally noticed their movements, the corners of his lips raised, he devoted more attention to the symbols, and soon entered a mysterious state.

About an hour later, the members of the Yinhun sect gave up looking for the formation restriction.

"Brother, isn't this recorded in our sect's file?" someone asked.

The middle-aged man shook his head: "No, I just said that the first jade slip is not easy to get and needs to be tested. Who would have thought that it would be like this."

The elders of the Zongmen who are better at forming formations, because of the existence of the Guwu family and the three major families, the elders did not come out this time in order not to reveal their true strength.

And a few of them are not very good at formations.

"Wait and see Bu Xu and the others." He said.

They have already provided the seal to open the door, so the Gu Wu family and Feng Wei should provide some help.

Bu Xu and his team's formation skills are much more advanced. After studying for more than an hour, they finally found some clues.

Feng Wei also drew all the talismans taught by his uncle, and received them into the space together with the table.

She walked up to Bu Xu and asked, "How's it going?"

Bu Xu replied: "We have found the foothold of the formation, but we haven't found the center yet."

Feng Wei nodded: "Let me see."

"Miss Feng, please." Bu Xu made a gesture of invitation, and then led her to look at the location of the formation they found.

Feng Wei took the formation disk from him and began to study it.

This kind of formation restrained her and felt a little familiar. In order not to waste time, she used her optical brain to send what she knew to her uncle.

After a while, my uncle replied with a message.

After reading the method of breaking the formation taught by his uncle, Feng Wei also remembered why he was so familiar. He had seen a similar method in a book of formations before.

Combining her uncle's method with her cognition, she turned around and walked under the jade slip.

Facing the surrounding space, he directly used his mental strength to start peeling off.

According to what my uncle said, there are two methods, one is to slowly find the formation hole, which takes a lot of time, and the other is to roughly strip out the superimposed space, and quickly take out the space when you find a gap.

Not many people can do the latter, but she is one of them.

Seeing that Feng Wei began to release his mental power for some unknown reason, Bu Xu stopped the action of leading the family members to continue searching.

The members of the Yinhun sect also looked over, and secretly made preparations, once Yu Jianjian was taken out by Feng Wei, they would start to snatch it.

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