Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2152 Give it a try

Zong Ze and the others couldn't help cursing in the car.

It was also for this reason that Zong Lan realized that the Diablo organization was not what he had imagined before, let alone fooling others.

This isn't anti-social anymore, it's just a bunch of deranged and inhuman lunatics.

Feng Wei thought for a while and asked, "Do those alien races still have mind? How do the people from the dark organization control them?"

Zong Lan replied: "There should be a little bit of sanity, but I can't help myself."

If it were a normal person, he would not be willing to become that kind of person who is neither human nor ghost.

"As for how they control it, I don't know very well. It seems that something will be placed in the body during creation, and then a special person will give hints, and this person can give them orders."

Feng Wei has never encountered this kind of sorcery before, so he can study it after seeing it.

"Are there any other characteristics of these monsters? Is there any way to hold them back?" Feng Wei was a little worried about Xi Ye and the others.

Zong Lan thought about it carefully, "By the way, these monsters seem to be afraid of thunder and lightning."

"When I went to take a peek that time, it happened to be a lightning day, and I found that those alien species shrank to the ground when they saw the lightning."

Feng Wei said to Zhuang Yi: "You tell Xi Ye the news, ask him to find out if there are any lightning-type superpowers in the city, and then give it a try."

"Yes." Zhuang Yi quickly sent the message.

On the other side, watching waves of insects being swallowed by alien species, Xi Ye couldn't help becoming anxious.

After the insect's leader mutated, it also gave birth to intelligence. Seeing that the damage was so severe, he called back all the insects that were still rushing.

Then they ran towards the mountain. They had no way to deal with these monsters, and the energy stone powder had no choice but to give up.

Seeing the army of insects being forced to retreat, the people in City of Hope became anxious, but the people in Ghost Sect laughed.

"It seems that the things you have cultivated are quite useful." The man in white robe said with a smile.

The leader of the dark organization smiled respectfully: "This is also thanks to the method provided by the suzerain and the elders."

This method of combining humans with mutated beasts, mutated plants, and zombies was provided by the Ghost Sect. It was originally just a puppet method, but it was improved by their dark geniuses into the current one.

This is also their proud work of Diablo.

The man in the white robe smiled playfully: "You have also contributed a lot."

Even the Yinhun sect can't make such a thing. It seems that the suzerain trained the leader of the dark in advance and put it outside. It was a very correct choice.

"Ten Elders, these aliens have shallow minds and are under our control. They may be able to break through that restriction." The leader of the dark said.

The white-robed man thought for a while and said, "Okay, then let them try."

"Okay, I'll arrange it now."

The leader of Diablo walked to the front of the team and said: "The second to fifth groups are out. Your goal is to attack the City of Hope on the opposite side and break through the defense line of the prohibition formation."

"Yes!" Then four hundred people wearing cloaks came out and rushed forward in unison.

Soon they entered the prohibition formation and were temporarily trapped.

"Are you still trapped?" The leader of Diablo frowned. He originally wanted to perform well in front of the elders.

Instead, the white-robed man said with interest: "It's just temporarily trapped. They didn't fall into the phantom formation, they just lost their way, and they can go out when they find their way."

"These xenomorphs are well cultured," he admired.

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