Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2153 more dangerous

The leader of the dark organization naturally did not have the sharp eyesight of the white-robed man, and he was instantly relieved when he said this to the other party.

"That's good, as long as they can serve the sect, that's their greatest role." He flattered.

The man in the white robe couldn't deny it.

The group of people who went in before were completely trapped in the restriction. It seems that the level of the restriction is not small, and it is good to have this group of aliens as pioneers.

Seeing this, Xi Ye ordered people to use the newly improved energy cannons of City of Hope to bombard them.

They loaded shells on their side and aimed at the opposite bank to fire.

The man in the white robe obviously noticed it, and when the shell flew over, he immediately threw out an umbrella on his body.

I saw that the umbrella rapidly inflated and became larger, and then blocked all the bombardment shells in mid-air and exploded.

But soon the white-robed man's expression darkened.

Although the umbrella he sacrificed blocked the shells, the spiritual weapon was also damaged, and it would be useless if it was resisted for at most two times.

"What kind of weapon are they using, and why is it so powerful?" He couldn't help asking.

His umbrella used to be able to completely withstand missiles, but now it is damaged, which can only show that the shells in City of Hope are much more powerful.

The leader of Diablo said: "I heard that this is an advanced weapon modified by Feng Wei, it may be the technology of their so-called planet."

Feng Wei came from another planet, and this news had already been spread by people on Xianshan.

However, there are still many people who are skeptical. After all, there have been rumors about aliens before the end of the world, but they have never been discovered.

Besides, Feng Wei doesn't look like an alien, how beautiful are aliens?

But the people in the dark organization believed it, because the guns and cannons modified by Feng Wei, after their expert appraisal, the technology really surpassed the level of current cognition.

People from the Yinhun sect valued spells, etc., but when the time came, they would grab the cannonball and throw it to Diablo to study it carefully.

As long as they are developed and sold, they will be able to earn back a lot of crystal nuclei, and they will not have to struggle so much in the use of spells.

Yes, the reason why the Yinhun sect decided to be born early, and set the first target as the city of hope, is because the crystal nucleus in their hands is seriously lacking.

Soon, Xi Ye continued to drop bombs. The white-robed man felt sorry for the spiritual weapon, so he took it back and led others out of the area.

As long as the alien species can break through the restriction, they will win a step, so there is no rush now.

Their retreat did not make Xi Ye feel relieved, but made him feel a sense of crisis.

The restraint formation was relatively powerful, and at noon the next day, the alien species found its way and ran out of the restraint.

Many of them fused the abilities of mutated beasts and mutated plants. Many of them stretched out their hands and landed straight on the opposite bank.

Then more alien species stepped on the bodies of these people and ran to the City of Hope.

Seeing this, Xi Ye was immediately bombarded with shells.

However, the effect is not very good. The bodies of these alien species are too flexible, otherwise they can easily avoid the bombardment of shells, and some can even fly into the air.

Even if some were bombed, everyone found that these alien species could not be killed by bombing at all. Even if their bodies were broken in two, they could continue to lie on their stomachs and move forward. Their vitality was not ordinary.

When these alien species attacked under the city wall, Xi Ye threw out the talisman he got from Feng Wei's room without hesitation.

Soon several large masks were formed, temporarily resisting the alien attack.

But everyone knows that the energy of this talisman can last up to two hours, and the threat has not been lifted, and it is even more dangerous.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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