Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2173 otherwise it will be out

After Feng Wei came here, he had no intention of becoming the king of this life star.

She smiled generously and said, "Yes, as long as the money or resources are in place, it's easy to talk about."

"Ah!" People from the Guwu family and the three major families looked at her in disbelief.

She is willing to sell such a high-end gadget that doesn't exist on this planet at all?

"Really sell it to us?" Zuo Yu couldn't help but confirm again.

Feng Wei nodded and smiled, "Why am I lying to you, of course it's true."

Seeing their confusion, she continued: "I can make this kind of energy gun, and I can also make things with stronger technology and higher technology. What do I keep it for?"

What she wants now is to let this life star develop, first to make a technological change, this time is the best opportunity.

"..." They suddenly felt like they were a frog in a well.

That's right, Feng Wei's family is from a high-level planet, so why worry about not being able to research and manufacture higher-end things? They had thought otherwise.

Bu Xu said with a smile, "Miss Feng is more generous. If that's the case, let's add these two energy guns to our order form."

In the future, more people from their Guwu family should come out to get in touch with these high technologies, otherwise they will be out.

The members of the Huo family and the Zuo family immediately said, "We also want to add to the order form."

Feng Wei said straightforwardly: "No problem, if you take the initiative to come to support this time, these things will definitely be provided to you first, and other people will not be so lucky."

The potential meaning is that those who didn't come to help, now they can't buy this thing, or wait until everyone has almost played it.

Different treatment is needed so that the big and small forces in the world can see the difference between being friendly and unfriendly to City of Hope.

Gu Xu and the others were delighted when they heard this, and they liked to treat them differently, of course the premise was for others.

"Haha, Miss Feng is refreshing." They were extremely fortunate that they took the initiative to come to support this time, otherwise they would miss the opportunity to grow stronger.

Feng Wei is a potential stock, whoever misses it will suffer.

Feng Wei's attitude towards them is also much better than before, "Everyone has worked hard today, go down and rest first, I will ask someone to open a few tables in the evening, everyone eat and drink to relax."

"Okay, I won't be drunk until then!" Everyone also felt a little proud.

While everyone went down to rest, they also quickly spread the results of the previous battle.

Soon, all the major bases and forces knew that the Yinhun sect not only failed to attack the City of Hope, but also all those who came were captured and taken prisoner.

The news shocked the world.

It is true that the Yinhun sect was born strong before, and they made a lot of moves as soon as they came. They wiped out several forces that were unwilling to take refuge in them, and took down the Dongshi base, giving people a feeling that they are superior and very difficult to deal with.

This time they took the initiative to attack the City of Hope, and many people thought that the Yinhun sect could win it.

The Yinhun sect is stronger in their cognition.

But who would have thought that such a result would be completely beyond everyone's expectations.

There were also people who recorded all the videos from the main attack from the Dark Organization to the capture of the Yinhun sect, and then sent them out.

After Feng Wei found out, he let the optical brain add fuel to the flames, directly hacking the mission management system of the major bases, and letting the video be played publicly in the bases.

In this way, the face of the Yinhun sect can be completely trampled under their feet, and everyone can see that the city of hope is not so easy to mess with.

By the way, it can also be widely publicized, how effective advanced technological weapons are in the face of the end times and their ancient martial arts practitioners.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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