Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2174 stand on their cp

On the big screens of the mission management offices of the major bases, the battle between the Ghost Sect and the City of Hope began to be played.

The people who were accepting the task were all stunned and stood up one after another to look.

He notified familiar people to come and watch as soon as possible, and soon the mission management offices of the major bases were full of people.

"I didn't expect this to be the result, Yinhun Zong became cold so quickly."

"Yeah, I thought the Yinhun sect was really good, so that's how it is."

"Before we thought too much about the Yinhun sect, we were pushed down by the city of hope when we came out to jump around."

"So don't do it, or you won't know how you will die."

"Feng Wei is still mighty. If it was replaced by Yinhunzong to attack other bases, it may have been won."

"Before it was rumored that Wei came from an alien planet, I didn't believe it at all, but after seeing the video, I couldn't help but believe it, and her grandfather was so young and handsome."

"The virtual projection felt like something that only appeared in science fiction films, but it actually appeared in reality. It was unimaginable before."

"Actually, it's okay. The end of the world is here. Will the interstellar era be far behind?"

"The weapon Feng Weixin made is so powerful that it can bounce back supernatural powers. If you get one, won't you be afraid of other supernatural beings?"

"Yeah, so I really want one."

"I really envy Zhuang Yi and the others. No wonder they don't go back to the family. I would rather follow Feng Wei instead."

"Does Miss Feng have a boyfriend? I don't know who can handle such a girlfriend."

"I heard that Huo Xiaoliang has been by her side to protect her, and the two may develop a relationship."

"Beauty Feng has a different feeling towards Huo Xiaoliang, have you guys seen it just now? They had a tacit understanding before."

"You can know what the other person is thinking with just one look. The beauty of a man and a woman makes a good match."

"That's right, Feng Wei is so handsome, Huo Xiaoliang is so cool, they match my face."

"I also stand on their CP."

Everyone started to get confused, discussing the private affairs of Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang.

At this time, Feng Wei was resting in the room, and the optical brain told her the news of everyone's discussion in the major bases.

Feng Wei didn't expect so many people to think that she and Huo Xiaoliang were compatible.

She didn't think about this issue before, but now that she thinks about it carefully, if her love partner is Huo Xiaoliang, it doesn't seem difficult for her to accept it.

It's not like when she was in Battle School before, she would be very irritable and dislike the boys who pursued her.

On the other side, in Huo Xiaoliang's room, Qin Zhe swiped his phone with his legs crossed.

His friends in several big bases sent messages, all asking him if Huo Xiaoliang and Feng Wei were together.

So he looked at Huo Xiaoliang who was fiddling with energy stones, "Boss, have you confirmed your relationship with Miss Feng?"

Huo Xiaoliang was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head and said, "No, what's the matter?"

Qin Zhe looked a little helpless, "Your development speed is too slow, and now the major bases are discussing you, and many people ask me if you are okay."

"Are we together? What does it have to do with them?" Huo Xiaoliang was still happy when he heard that everyone paired him with Feng Wei.

Qin Zhe said with a smile: "It's okay, but you can watch the fun!"

"Boss, I feel that the atmosphere between Feng Damei and you doesn't look like a friend or teammate. Have you not confessed your love to her yet?" His boss had never chased anyone before, so he might be inexperienced.

Continue at 20 o'clock~~

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