Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 218 You Are Really a God

Mr. Xie looked up at him.

"Isn't this the demon king of the Feng family? Why did he come here to join in the fun?"

"Honey that even the old man misses? Is it real? Then I want to taste it!"

It happened that Xia Ruo melted the honey in the water and handed the cup to the old man's mouth, "Then try it to see the difference!"

"I can still hold the cup!" He was half-sitting, and he raised his hand to take the cup and brought it to his mouth to take a sip.

Everyone present turned their attention to him.

Mr. Xie took a sip first, then gulped down all the honey water in the cup.

After drinking it, he smacked his mouth and said truthfully: "It is fragrant and sweet, very delicious, the honey outside is not at the same level as this one at all."

"Have another drink!" He handed the quilt to Xia Ruo again.

No wonder the dead old man of the Feng family is also thinking about it, and he would be thinking about it too!

It's a pity that he won't live for a few days, otherwise he would have to talk about the taste of honey in front of old man Feng.

Xia Ruo smiled and said: "I have other good things, old man, you have eaten braised pork, Dongpo pork, boiled pork slices, pickled pork with preserved vegetables, pine meat with honey sauce, sweet and sour pork tenderloin..."

She announced the names of many meat dishes at once, which made the old man swallow unconsciously.

"I haven't eaten it, how can you do it?"

"Yes! What I made is delicious, old man, do you want to eat it?"

"Of course I want to eat it, but I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it!" He sighed.

Xia Ruo chuckled: "Who said that? Isn't it a genetic disease? How can I defeat you, old man? You are a tough guy with strong bones."

Mr. Xie's face softened a little, and he laughed: "You little girl has a sweet mouth!"

"I'm serious." Xia Ruo smiled and said, "Old man, how about we make an exchange?"

"What exchange?"

"You asked me to help you see a doctor. I will cook two good dishes every week and bring them to you to eat." Xia Ruo has her own way of dealing with these stubborn patients with bad temper.

Mr. Xie was not sure and asked: "The dishes you cook are really as delicious as you say?"

Feng Yan was not used to other people questioning Xia Ruo, "Old man, the food she cooks is delicious, if you don't want to eat it, you can give it to me."

Bo Siyu's attitude was much better, "Grandpa Xie, I have tasted it, and Xia Ruo's cooking skills will definitely satisfy you!"

Feng Yan's face darkened, "Have you ever eaten her cooking?"

Bo Siyu raised his eyebrows, "I've eaten it!"

Mr. Xie said angrily, "You two brats, let's play!"

"Okay, then let's exchange!" It's not easy for him because of his stuttering! Even if the taste is mediocre, it is better than those nutritional supplements.

Xia Ruo asked Dean Chen to pour another glass of water for the old man, and she felt his pulse.

"Old man, not only have you overused your abilities many times, but your meridians have burst once, right? Your body has also exceeded the load limit that you can bear several times, and your waist has been seriously injured. Now it still often hurts."

Xia Ruo frowned slightly, "The meridian of the left foot has shrunk so much, you have overused it too."

"There is also a chronic toxin in the body. Although it is not fatal, it has a great impact on you. It also makes you unable to help being irritable and want to lose your temper. If the weather is too hot or too cold, you will have severe pain all over your body, and even occasionally Will twitch."

As Xia Ruo talked more, Mr. Xie also went from being indifferent at the beginning to his narrowed eyes gradually widening, "Little girl, you are really amazing!"

He really has all the faults that Xia Ruo said, and several of them have not been entered into the case. She absolutely cannot cheat first, which is really obvious.

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