Mr. Xie was very surprised, and Dean Chen and several doctors were even more shocked.

Looking through the old man's case records, some symptoms were not detected at all, and they were not detected by the equipment, which somewhat subverted their long-standing concept.

Are there diseases that cannot be detected by the most advanced equipment?

Xia Ruo smiled calmly: "I also discovered these symptoms of yours, old man, through feeling the pulse."

Mr. Xie thought for a while and asked, "Then can you see the cause of my chronic poisoning?"

Bo Siyu was startled, he didn't even know that the old man had suffered from chronic poisoning.

Xia Ruo looked at the old man with a half-smile, "This has something to do with your lack of taboos. It must have been caused by improper eating, and nine out of ten it was meat."

Mr. Xie couldn't help but patted his leg, "Excellent, little girl, your medical skills are too good, you can even see this."

Bo Siyu was still making the old man's poisonous conspiracy theory, and he was speechless when he heard the conversation between the two, "Grandpa Xie, are you really poisoned by eating meat?"

Mr. Xie coughed dryly: "One time our battle group was attacked by the Alliance of Starry Sky Beasts, causing many soldiers to fall. I led the soldiers to chase after them, and finally fought with their leaders. At that time, I was so angry that I was born I tore off a few pieces of his meat and ate it."

"After I came back, I found that I was not feeling well. After I went to check, it was said that there was a non-human power in my body, but it didn't affect my life, so I didn't care about it."

"Of course, although it won't affect your life, it's also uncomfortable. Like what the little girl said, you will often have severe pain all over your body, and you can't help being irritable and want to get angry."

Bo Siyu was a little speechless, "Grandpa Xie, you are also a cow, and you actually eat the meat of alien beasts in the starry sky!"

After research by federal experts, the meat of the alien beasts in the starry sky all carry a kind of energy that the human body rejects, and some of them are poisonous, so they cannot be eaten at all.

"Ahem, isn't that too angry!" This is a dark history for Mr. Xie, so he has never brought it up to anyone.

Xia Ruo handed the goji berry honey to Bo Siyu, "Help the old man make another cup!"

Then she got up and sat down in front of the last patient's bed, "Do you mind if I take your pulse and see the doctor?"

The thin old man smiled weakly and said, "I don't mind, but I also want to drink a glass of honey water, okay?"

After seeing Xia Ruo's inference from seeing a doctor before, he believed that she had some tricks.

It's just that he also took the nutritional supplements for a long time and smelled the sweetness of the honey, so he opened his mouth.

Xia Ruo nodded and smiled, "Of course it's no problem!"

Then she turned her head and said to Feng Yan: "You mix a glass of honey water for each of the two old men."

Feng Yan nodded: "Okay!"

The first patient laughed: "Looks like I've got it too, thank you Dr. Xia!"

"The old man is too polite!"

After Xia Ruo finished speaking, she took the pulse of the skinny old man, "You are suffering from serious physical loss. After your supernatural power was overdrawn, you didn't receive timely treatment, which caused the meridians and muscles to gradually atrophy."

"Because of this, after absorbing the energy stone, part of the spiritual power is accumulated and blocked in the meridian, which gradually forms a genetic disease."

"Your back has also been seriously injured, and now it hurts as long as you walk normally or when it rains, but there are no other major problems."

The skinny old man nodded seriously: "Quanzhong, my back injury has lasted for a long time. It's an old problem. You can actually tell the pulse, amazing!"

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