Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2210 Someone from an alien planet?

Feng Wei also saw a person lying in front of him.

She drove nearby, stopped the car, and walked down.

I saw a young man lying on the ground, rather handsome, wearing a battle suit.

Most importantly, there was a broken mecha not far from him.

It seems that he accidentally landed on this planet, the mecha was seriously damaged, and he was thrown out when he landed.

"This man is still alive." The Giant Insect King raised his head on Feng Wei's shoulder and looked.

Feng Wei squatted down and stretched out his hand to check his breath, and checked again with his mental strength.

He just passed out, and the injuries on his body were not serious.

"Da Song, wake him up." She stood up and said to Ju Song on the other shoulder.

The giant pine possesses the ability of the wood element and has healing effects, even if the target is replaced by a human.

Then he went to the damaged mech and looked carefully, and it was indeed damaged by the compression of space airflow, and there were traces of passing through the atmosphere on the outside.

Feng Wei also connected the optical brain, "Analyze when this mecha was damaged, and then see which star field it came from."

"Okay, master." The optical brain quickly began to analyze the mecha and began to analyze various data.

At this moment, Ju Song also rescued the man on the ground.

After opening his eyes, he slowly half sat up, first looked around blankly, then raised his hand and rubbed his head, as if in some pain.

Seeing this, Feng Wei walked over and looked down at him condescendingly, "Are you awake?"

The man looked up at her in astonishment as if he had suddenly discovered her existence, "Who are you?"

Feng Wei said calmly: "The people passing by saw you unconscious and woke you up."

The man looked around again, and his eyes fell on the destroyed mecha, and it seemed that he recalled something.

After a while, he stood up with support, "Thank you, I accidentally had a plane crash, and I didn't expect to land here. Can I ask what planet this is?"

"Blue Star." Feng Wei replied.

The man frowned slightly, "Blue Star? Is this a half-desolate star?"

Feng Wei shook his head: "No, this is a life star, which planet did you come from?"

The man looked at her defensively, but he still said, "Bai Yaxing."

"Bai Yaxing? Never heard of it." Feng Wei asked again: "What star field?"

She asked this question, and asked Guangnao to check Cha Bai Yaxing's information.

The man replied: "Henghuan Starfield, is it also here?"

Feng Wei shook his head: "This is not the Imaginary Starfield, it's just a declining little life star, and I don't know what starfield it belongs to."

"Is that so?" The man raised his hand to look at the terminal and found that he could not communicate with the outside world.

The voice of the light brain rang in Feng Wei's mind, "Master, Bai Yaxing is indeed from the Hengfan Starfield. It is a low-level civilization starfield, which is related to our high-level civilization."

"According to my internet connection, Bai Yaxing was destroyed more than half a year ago."

"How was it destroyed?" Feng Wei asked.

Guangnao replied: "Being attacked by a mysterious force from the universe, it exploded immediately."

"Are there any survivors on it?"

"According to the survey data, only a very small number of survivors escaped at that time, but most of them were buried in the planetary explosion."

"Well, continue to analyze the mecha." Feng Wei had a point in his mind.

Feng Wei said to the man: "This is a planet corroded by supernatural energy. There are normal people, mutant beasts, mutant plants, and creatures called zombies. They are somewhat similar to Banhuangxing. Be careful."

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