Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2211 Are you sure you want to follow me?

After Feng Wei finished speaking, she was about to get in the car and leave.

The man stopped her from behind, "Miss, I'm sorry, can I ask you a few more questions?"

Feng Wei turned around and looked at him, "Ask what?"

He pointed to the mecha on the ground and asked: "Where is the bigger city here? Or is there any place where I can repair my mecha?"

Feng Wei replied: "No, the technology of this life star is relatively backward, and there is no such thing as a mecha."

"The technology of your mecha surpasses the technology here by a large margin, and it can't be repaired well." She added.

The man was surprised, "How do you know that the technology of my mecha is much higher than that of this place? Do you know mecha?"

"I know, because I also accidentally fell into this life star from another star field." Feng Wei said frankly.

The man was surprised again and laughed: "So we have the same experience!"

"Hello, my name is Bai Jia." He took a few steps earlier and reached out to Feng Wei.

Feng Wei raised his hand to shake him, his hand was a little cold, "Hello, my name is Feng Wei."

"Any questions? If not, I'll go first." She withdrew her hand and asked.

Bai Jia said with some embarrassment: "I don't know anything about this life star. I wonder if I can ask Miss Feng to take it in for a while? I'll leave when I get familiar with it or find the way back."

"You want to go back to Bai Yaxing?" Feng Wei asked with narrowed eyes.

A sense of sadness filled Bai Jia's body instantly, "I can't go back to Bai Yaxing, it was attacked by a force and exploded, I escaped in the mech, and was swept here when I encountered a space storm."

"I want to go back to the Henghuan Starfield and look for any relatives who survived." He sighed.

Feng Wei said apologetically, "Sorry, I reminded you of something sad."

"It's okay." Bai Jia pursed her lips.

He then calmed down and asked: "Miss Feng, what I just said, do you think it's okay?"

Feng Wei seemed to think for a while before saying: "I still have something to do, and what I have to do is dangerous, are you sure you want to follow me?"

Bai Jia thought for a while and said, "I'm not familiar with this place, so I'd better follow you first."

"Of course, in return, if you come to my place, I will help." He revealed the aura of a seventh-level supernatural being on his body, and suddenly had an energy gun in his hand, indicating that his strength is not bad.

Feng Wei looked at the gun in his hand, "Are you a space power user?"

Bai Jia nodded: "Well, apart from space, I'm also an ice-type power user."

Feng Wei looked at him again, "Okay, let's get in the car."

Bai Jia smiled, "Thank you."

He first put the broken mech on the ground into the space, and then walked over to open the co-pilot's door and sat in.

Feng Wei continued to drive, and he said, "Miss Feng, can I trouble you to tell me the general situation of this life star?"

Feng Wei didn't refuse either, and gave him a general introduction to the current situation of this planet, and also introduced several major bases and several major forces to him.

After listening to what she said, Bai Jia sighed: "It turns out that this life star is not big, the situation is quite complicated, and the technology is too backward."

Feng Wei nodded: "Yes, so it's not that easy to repair the mech and go back."

Bai Jia sighed, "Yeah, it seems that we have to stay here for a while."

"You can stay in the big base here for a while, just to get acquainted with the situation and technology here." Feng Wei suggested.

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