Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2219 Changes Have Happened

Feng Wei was not surprised by Bai Jia's reaction.

She was even more certain that this person approached her on purpose, and she didn't know what the purpose was.

But it's better to keep it by your side, and it's a ticking time bomb when it's released.

The two left the Beishi base together.

"Where are we going now? Are we meeting people from the Anti-Black League?" Bai Jia asked in the passenger seat.

Feng Wei replied: "I'm going to find the Giant Insect King. I need to prepare an essence, but there are not enough medicinal materials, so I have to go to several other bases to get it."

"I'll go back to the small town to meet them when we're done." The excuse she used didn't change.

Bai Jia expressed her understanding, "Well, then I will go with you."

Next, Feng Wei went to the Nanshi and Xishi bases, also in the name of looking for medicinal materials, and used the same method to get rid of the hidden sixth-level zombies.

Only then did he embark on the road to the Kyoto base.

As for the Dongshi base, Feng Wei didn't go there because it was the main battlefield of the Yinhun sect, and the sect didn't participate in the anti-triad alliance this time.

She has never been to the Kyoto base, and it is a bit far to drive there. It took more than two days to use the airplane mode.

Arriving outside the base, Feng Wei discovered that the scale of this place is very large, no wonder it is called the world's largest survivor base.

It is not strict to come out, but it is more strict to enter.

Not only do you need to register, but you also have to report where you have been.

Feng Wei put away the off-road vehicle and entered the gate together with Bai Jia. The gatekeeper asked her and Bai Jia to fill out a document respectively.

The people in the capital have already received the news that Feng Wei is coming, and both the Huo family and the Zuo family have sent representatives to pick her up.

As soon as she finished filling out the information, people from the two families also came.

The Huo family sent Huo Xiaoxiao, a cousin of Huo Xiaoliang, who was on his side.

The one sent by the Zuo family was Zuo Yu's own sister Zuo Qian.

"City Master Feng has worked hard." The two first introduced themselves, and their attitudes towards Feng Wei were more polite and enthusiastic.

Feng Wei shook hands with them, "Hi, both of you."

Zuo Qian smiled and asked caringly: "We have prepared three places for you here, Huo's house, Zuo's house or the hotel in Kyoto base, where do you want to live?"

For Feng Wei and City of Hope, both of them have the same attitude, try to befriend each other as much as possible.

Feng Wei didn't think about it, "Then let's stay in a hotel."

"This is my friend Bai Jia. He has been following me recently." She introduced Bai Jia to the two of them.

Bai Jia smiled gently and shook hands with the two, "Hello Huo Shao, Miss Zuo!"

The smile in Huo Xiaoxiao's eyes didn't reach his eyes, where did this guy come from? His cousin won't be poached, will he?

He thought so in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He reached out and shook his hand, "Mr. Bai is good."

Zuo Qian's smile remained the same, and she was polite, "Hello, Mr. Bai."

"Both of you, please get in the car, let's go to the hotel first." Huo Xiaoxiao opened the car door.

Feng Wei and Bai Jia got into the back row, and Zuo Qian sat in the co-pilot.

Huo Xiaoxiao drove towards the hotel, and suddenly the combat power list standing in the center of the Kyoto base in front of him changed.

Huo Xiaoliang, who was in the first place, fell to the third place, and Feng Wei was still in the second place, but the level of the ability has been changed to level six.

And the name that appeared in the first place was very unfamiliar to everyone, Bai Jia, a seventh-level supernatural being.

Huo Xiaoxiao and Zuo Qian sat in the first row and could see the update of the combat power list through the glass in front of the car, and they both showed shocked expressions at the same time.

Bing Qiqi looked at Bai Jia who was sitting in the back row, "Are you a seventh-level supernatural being?"

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