Neither Huo Xiaoxiao nor Zuo Qian thought it would be such a coincidence.

As soon as Bai Jia appeared at the base, the combat power list was updated, and the names were still the same.

Bai Jia smiled and said, "I am indeed a level seven supernatural being."

Huo Xiaoxiao and Zuo Qian were shocked again. This person was at level seven, and he was also the person with the highest level of abilities exposed on the human side.

"You are so strong." Huo Xiao smiled and choked out three words for a long time.

This person is more handsome, and his level of strength is so high, I don't know if he will threaten his cousin's position in Feng Wei's heart.

Feeling a little dangerous, he quickly sent a message to tell his cousin about it.

Zuo Qian developed some interest in Bai Jia, "Mr. Bai is really amazing."

The seventh-level power user can stand out from the crowd. This man is very handsome, like a handsome and elegant man, very attractive.

The Bai family smiled modestly: "It's also good luck."

Zuo Qian could tell that Bai Jia wasn't likely to be Feng Wei's suitor, so her mind moved and she took the initiative to chat with her.

She has no hostility towards Feng Wei, but appreciates that Feng Wei can become so famous in the last days, and she also wins for their women.

At the same time, she hated Huo CP in her heart, so this was a bit interesting to Bai Jia.

Feng Wei also had a good impression of Zuo Qian, seeing her take the initiative to strike up a conversation with Bai Jia, she didn't stop her.

However, if the two of them develop further in the future, she will sabotage it secretly. After all, Bai Jia, who is suspected of being a big zombie, is not a good match.

As soon as Bai Jia appeared, he was a seventh-level supernatural being, and everyone had never heard of his name before, so he did not hide that he was also from an alien planet.

Huo Xiaoxiao and Zuo Qian were both surprised by this identity and background, no wonder they are so strong, they also come from alien planets.

"What is your planet like? Tell us about it." Zuo Qian asked with interest.

Ever since Feng Wei's identity was revealed to the world, everyone now has a dream of wanting to leave the planet.

Bai Jia is a person who is good at chatting, and his language is rich and interesting. He quickly gave a general description of the technology and development of the alien planet.

At the same time, he also talked about the virtual world, which made people feel as if they were in a sci-fi blockbuster. Even Huo Xiaoxiao, who had some opinions on Bai Jia, listened with relish.

Feng Wei pulled out the situation of the Henghuan Starfield and looked at it. It was similar to Bai Jia's description, which proved that he was indeed from that starfield.

She communicated with the light brain, "Can you find information about Bai Jia from Bai Yaxing in Henghuan Starfield?"

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you fight a hundred battles.

Guangnao said apologetically: "Master, first you need to check Baijia's background, you need to hack into the Identity Management Bureau of Henghuan Starfield to get A-level energy stones to maintain energy."

Feng Wei nodded, "Okay, then you should write it down first, and after I get Huo Xiaoliang to refine the A-level energy stone, you can check it carefully."

"Okay, master."

After arriving at the hotel, Huo Xiaoxiao arranged two presidential suites for the two of them.

"City Master Feng, if you have anything to do, you can contact us directly. We will collect the medicinal materials you are looking for as soon as possible."

Huo Xiaoxiao, Zuo Qian and Feng Wei exchanged mobile phone numbers.

"Okay, sorry to bother you." Feng Wei smiled and nodded.

The two of them stopped bothering each other anymore, Zuo Qian seemed to think of something before leaving.

Leaning close to Feng Wei's ear, he said, "City Master Feng, I have received news from the heirs of the clan that there is a change. They must also know about your arrival at the base in Kyoto. You should pay attention to safety when you go out."

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