Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2226 This is very interesting

Feng Wei's spiritual power has always been imprinted on Bai Jia, and she found that he didn't follow.

It shows that this person is very smart and knows how to do things well.

Feng Wei wandered around outside, walked into a hidden alley, pasted an invisibility talisman on himself, and disappeared into the night.

She used a flying machine this time, not long after she flew out of the alley, several groups of people walked in one after another, found that she had disappeared, and quickly reported her.

Feng Wei also gave Zong Shujie a mental power mark when he was in the restaurant, and now he followed along to find it.

Soon she arrived at the Zong family's old house, she flew over without hesitation, found a room with a French window that was not closed tightly on the balcony, opened it and walked in.

Then follow the signs, and finally saw Zong Shujie in the living room.

At this time, he was kneeling on the ground, and an old man with gray hair was reprimanding him.

"Look at what you did, it's all right now, you caused such a big trouble."

The old man smashed the teacup in his hand, Zong Shujie didn't dare to dodge, and was smashed all over.

"I've said before, don't provoke Feng Wei, you're all ignoring it, right?"

The old man looked very angry, "Okay, I can't control you, from now on you can do whatever you like, and if you want to collude with the Yinhun sect to the end, I don't care."

"I'm just waiting to see the day when the Zong Family is destroyed by you." After finishing speaking, he glared at the Zong Patriarch angrily, and then left with a cane, looking like he was ten years old.

Feng Wei guessed that he should be Zong Ze's grandfather. It seems that the old man does not support the collusion between the Zong family and the Yinhun sect.

Feng Wei walked over to find a place to sit down and continue listening.

After the old man left, the Zong Patriarch said to Zong Shujie with a sullen face: "This trouble will be resolved if it is caused, you should not show up for a while, and go to the Dongshi base to rest for a while."

Zong Shujie also knew that he had humiliated the family, so he shrank his neck, "Got it."

The other high-level executives didn't know what to say, but they just looked helpless. Seeing that Zong Shujie seemed to be unable to support the wall with mud, they got angry and left one after another.

In the end, the patriarch asked Zong Shujie to continue to kneel and reflect, while he got up and went upstairs.

Feng Wei thought for a while and followed behind him.

He opened the door and entered the bedroom, and she quickly squeezed in before he closed the door.

Mrs. Zong was staring at the dressing table in a daze, the head of the Zong family walked over and put his hand on her shoulder.

Her eyes were slightly red, and she put her arms around the waist of the Patriarch Zong, "Did they not come?"

"No, this time only Feng Weihe and the latest seventh-level power user came over." Patriarch Zong reached out and patted her head.

"They all went to a small town outside the base of the dark organization, and they want to fight together." He paused and sighed heavily, "Did you miss them again?"

"Well, I really don't know when these days will end." Mrs. Zong shed tears.

Feng Wei found that the feeling and performance of the two of them at this time were completely different from what they had seen before.

As for the two of them, they should be the three brothers Zong Ling.

"Why don't they stay in the City of Hope? The dark organization is full of zombies, and the zombie king is here. Will they be in danger?" Mrs. Zong cried and looked up with worry in her eyes.

Feng Wei landed on the two of them with mental strength, and felt that Mrs. Zong's worry and crying were not from acting, but from the heart.

Apparently Mrs. Zong knew about the problems of the dark organization, and from her appearance, she also cared about Zong Ze and the other three, which was very interesting.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~ The new book will be updated at the end of this month, and the old book will have 20 chapters on the 11th. Recently, there are some texts, so I will update twice a day~~

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