Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2227 The reversal is too unexpected

The patriarch also had a worried look on his face.

"I can't control it. Since we chose to force them away on purpose, we can't interfere with them now, otherwise we may be exposed."

Mrs. Zong's tears flowed even more fiercely, "If we don't force them away, what can we do?"

"My own sons, from the time I was born, I wanted to hold them but dare not, and I wanted to pet them but dare not pamper them. Now I have to force them to leave when they grow up."

"Looking at the indifferent eyes of Aze and the others, I have to endure the pain in my heart to continue to disgust them. Sometimes I really think I might as well just die like that."

Patriarch Patriarch also had a look of pain, "Don't think about it, since you chose to do this at the beginning, don't give up halfway."

"Hurry up and release the news that there are many zombies and zombie kings in the dark organization, so that they can also prepare." Mrs. Zong gave the Zong Patriarch a push.

The patriarch replied: "I received news that the zombie king has revealed his identity. With Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang's cleverness, they can definitely deduce the situation of the dark organization."

"We still have to focus on the Yinhun sect now, but we're going to wrong you again." He sighed heavily.

"Be patient, you can't be defeated. The Yinhun sect is more terrifying than zombies. If you don't find that secret and dig it out, the whole world will not have peace." He hugged him back tightly.

Mrs. Zong leaned against her, tears still welling up, "Now everyone is scolding us, and my son doesn't recognize us, I'm so tired, I'm really tired."

"Even if we want the children to continue to live, we have to persevere. Just scold us, and they will understand us when the truth comes out." The patriarch also looked tired.

Mrs. Zong took a deep breath after crying, "I will go back to the Yinhun sect tomorrow and continue to inquire. You are right, it is for the three of them, we must continue."

"In front of your brother, don't reveal it." The Patriarch of the Patriarch told her.

Mrs. Zong nodded: "I used to endure it, but now that A Ling has finally escaped their clutches, I will not expose myself to that bastard."

"After practicing that kind of exercises and getting in touch with that kind of thing, they really become less and less human. My father is like that, and so is my brother."

"My mother's revenge, I must ask them to avenge, and A Ling's revenge for being taken to be a furnace before, which made me unable to be a good mother, I will avenge them all." Her eyes were full of hatred.

The patriarch gritted his teeth and said, "That's why we have to find out the secret of that thing and destroy it, otherwise not only Ah Ling and the others, but all the unyielding people in the whole world will die."

The two hugged each other tightly, as if giving each other energy to continue walking, and they stopped talking.

After the two of them washed up and went to sleep, Feng Wei gently opened the door and left from the room.

If she hadn't come to see Zong Shujie today, she would have never expected that the husband and wife of the head of the Zong family would be completely different from what they usually show.

It didn't seem like they didn't love Zongze and the others, they did so many disgusting things just to push them out on purpose.

Mrs. Xiaozong didn't get close to the two brothers Zongze, not because she didn't love or care, but because she didn't dare, which seemed to be a kind of protection instead.

The patriarch of the clan was not fascinated by the woman, but he was enduring the scolding from the outside, and wanted to do things for his family and mankind in private.

The reversal was too unexpected, and it's no wonder that the behavior of the two people was very confusing at the beginning. It turned out that they were all for cover.

It's just that she doesn't know what the secret between the two of them is. She thinks this is very important.

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