Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2232 Today is really the right time

The other high-level executives who had been sitting and hadn't expressed any opinions at first, when they heard the words of the sixth-level zombies, they also showed deep thinking expressions.

Mr. Huo first stated his position: "No matter how you look at it, Feng Wei is extending a friendly hand to us now. Employers are not suspicious of others. Everyone understands this truth, and I believe her."

Because of his most valued grandson, he has been collecting information about Feng Wei during this time.

The more he got to know Feng Wei, the more he felt that she was a girl with a more honest heart.

The sixth-level zombie said with a half-smile, "With Huo Xiaoliang here, the Huo family must naturally trust Feng Wei."

The provocative meaning of these words was full, and many people sitting there showed their emotions.

Seeing this, he immediately said a lot of alarmist words, generally speaking, he was slandering Feng Wei.

The more he spoke, the more vigorous he was, and he was more capable of bewitching, which made many people present gradually lean towards his words.

Not to mention dealing with Feng Wei, but he couldn't help but want to be on guard.

What if Feng Wei really wanted to take people from the high-level star field and occupy them as a colony?

When the time comes, the Huo family will have Huo Xiaoliang, and maybe they will be able to enjoy it, but they will be in bad luck.

Feng Wei listened to the eloquence of the sixth-level zombies slandering him, and realized that today was really the right time.

If he didn't come, wouldn't he want this ugly thing to blackmail her.

It is naturally impossible to come out to clean up now. If it suddenly appears, it is estimated that not only will people not believe it, but they will be more defensive.

Then there is only one way, kill this level 6 zombie, and let him reveal his identity.

It also reminded the high-level officials of the Kyoto base that anyone who is not really trustworthy around them may be a spy.

Maybe it will make some people panic, but it's better than being taken advantage of by the Dark Base and the Ghost Sect.

Feng Wei is now on the verge of reaching the seventh level, and can use a mental power ability in advance.

She concentrated her mental power into a small green spot, and then a bullet landed on the head of the sixth-level zombie, and quickly got into it.

The sixth-level zombie, who was still talking freely, suddenly felt that his mental power was bound by a force, and his mind went blank.

At this moment, Feng Wei's left hand, which was originally spread out, slowly closed and squeezed, and lightly uttered a word, "Explosion!"

Then the people present saw that the high-level executive who was sitting and talking had his eyes wide open, as if someone had pinched his neck.

Then he clutched his chest again, like he was having a heart attack.

Everyone froze for a moment, they didn't remember that this person had this disease!

"Bang!" Suddenly, a slight explosion sounded in the conference room, and everyone stood up in shock with a look of defense.

Then I saw the brain of the high-ranking officer explode, and then he fell to the ground trembling all over.

"Ah!" The timid person couldn't help screaming.

What's happening here? How could this be?

"Look, what is that?" One of them pointed at the brilliant flashing crystal nucleus that flew out of the high-level exploded head and exclaimed.

The others also saw the crystal nucleus that flew out, and they were all stunned.

The list of this high-level person was given by Huo Xiaoliang's people at the Kyoto base, so these high-level people here didn't know about it at all.

Seeing the comrades who were sitting together to discuss the plan, their heads suddenly exploded and a crystal nucleus flew out. This situation really scared them.

Then the crystal nucleus fell on the table, and the skin of the high-ranking man soon began to rot, becoming no different from the zombies outside.

They were all dumbfounded, is this person a zombie?

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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