Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2233 She is someone you can trust

The three old men did not expect such a situation to happen.

However, I have experienced many things over the years, and I quickly stabilized my emotions after being frightened.

"Have someone come and check to see if he is a zombie." Grandpa Zuo ordered.

Soon someone went out and called specialized researchers to come in.

After checking and testing the blood sample with various instruments, the person in charge looked at the people present and said, "It is indeed a zombie, and its level has reached level six."

"Then why did he explode suddenly?" Mr. Huo couldn't help asking.

It stands to reason that the sixth-level zombies are already very powerful, and no one attacked here. How could it be like suicide?

"We found out that before his head exploded, his mental power was greatly disturbed. This must have caused the self-explosion."

The person in charge of scientific research thought for a while and continued: "Maybe the point is that he is not very lucky."

This one-in-a-hundred-thousandth chance fell on the sixth-level zombies, and they didn't know what to say.

"Okay, you guys go out first." Mr. Huo waved his hand.

After the researchers took away the corpses of the zombies and cleaned them up, the people present continued the meeting.

This time Mr. Huo was the first to speak: "I didn't expect that some of us would hide zombies. This is a terrible news signal."

"It's no wonder that he has been inducing us to guard against Feng Wei before. Does it mean that the zombies are afraid of Feng Wei?"

He said this to help Feng Wei get rid of the point of being hacked by the sixth-level zombies before.

Others also thought it made sense, and before they realized it, they were beaten by this zombie to the rhythm of Hei Fengwei.

Zombies are so dark, so for normal people like them, she is someone they can trust.

"In the future, we should choose to trust Feng Wei first." Mr. Zuo thought for a moment and said.

Elder Zong also said: "Feng Wei should be able to become our ally, so don't do anything that chills her."

The other senior executives also nodded: "Indeed."

Then several people discussed again, but this time it was mainly aimed at zombies, and they were going to take some emergency measures to see if they could find other hidden zombies.

Otherwise, a base is afraid that it will be destroyed, and the more everyone thinks about it, the more afraid they become.

After solving the sixth-level zombie hidden in the high-rise, Feng Wei swam around here again, and left without finding anyone with any problems.

And no one noticed that she came and went.

That night, the Kyoto base collected all the herbs that Feng Wei wanted and sent them over.

Feng Wei didn't ask to leave either, but only expressed his thanks.

Early the next morning, she knocked on the door of Bai Jia's room.

Bai Jia opened the door, her head was still a little wet, obviously just after taking a shower, "Miss Feng, what's the matter?"

"I'm going to leave the Kyoto base in a while, do you want to come with me?" Feng Wei asked straight to the point.

Bai Jiajun smiled elegantly: "Naturally, I will be with you, please wait for me for a while, and I will clean up."

"Find me when you're done." Feng Wei nodded and went back to the room.

She also sent a message to Huo Xiaoxiao and Zuo Qian that she was about to leave.

The two of them took her around the Kyoto base yesterday, and she also guided her to verify the identity of more than 20 people with suspected identities.

After seeing the news, the two made an appointment to come to the hotel together.

"City Master Feng, don't you want to stay for two more days? Are you leaving now?" Zuo Qian had a good impression of Feng Wei, and felt that Feng Wei was easy to chat with, and wanted to spend more time with her.

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