Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2252 This is really not a simple woman

After the voice fell, Feng Wei pressed the button on the console.


Then, except for the appearance of the mecha, the internal parts and devices have changed little by little.

On the other side, the eighth-level demon was too lazy to deal with Huo Xiaoliang, and spewed out a ball of fire from his mouth and went straight towards him.

Huo Xiaoliang immediately released the strongest devouring ability, but he could only absorb less than one-third of the energy of Huoguang.

The remaining two-thirds broke through the vortex formed by the devouring ability, and came straight towards him.

The energy of the fire was too strong to avoid, Huo Xiaoliang clenched his hands tightly and made a decision.

He yelled at Feng Wei: "Go quickly."

Then he shouted to the people in the small town behind him: "You guys go too."

Then it was time to prepare to burn the supernatural energy in the body and explode on this eighth-level demon.

The energy self-explosion lethality of his three superpowers can definitely seriously injure this eighth-level demon, and he also hopes to buy Feng Wei and everyone some time to escape.

Seeing Huo Xiaoliang's appearance, Feng Wei knew his plan, and quickly threw a protective talisman, forming a light shield in front of him, offsetting most of the two-thirds of the energy.

Only a small part fell on Huo Xiaoliang's body, and then knocked him down to the ground.

The mecha driven by Feng Wei dodges and blocks the air in front of Huo Xiaoliang, "You take a break, and I'll see you next."

The eighth-level demon swept Feng Wei disdainfully, and also shot a ball of fire at the mecha.

Feng Wei didn't dodge this time. First, he threw a talisman to offset most of the energy, and then controlled the mech to smash the remaining energy with a punch.

Then he started attacking the eighth-level demon on his own initiative, which made everyone present stunned.

The eighth-level demon frowned, raised its hand and clenched its fist to meet the mech's fist.

At first, everyone thought that the mecha would be thrown backwards by the demon, and they even doubted whether it would be damaged.

But the reality is, the mecha's small punch and the devil's big punch met, but they didn't lose the wind at all, and it gave people a sense of evenness.

"What's going on? Could it be that mechas without weapons are more powerful?"

You must know that Huo Xiaoliang, a seventh-level supernatural being, is no match for this demon.

Bai Jia said with complicated eyes: "It's not that fighting alone is more powerful, but that her mecha is upgrading."

He had heard before that the mechas made by powerful mecha masters could have a way to increase the combat level of the mechas in a short period of time.

But no one in their star field can do it. After all, this technology has exceeded the scope of their low-level star field. Those mecha masters have not mastered it, and they cannot realize it.

Now Feng Wei has turned the rumors into reality. Because he is also a mecha fighter, he is very familiar with mechas to find out, otherwise he would not know how powerful she is.

This is really not a simple woman, she is a genius among geniuses.

This result surprised even the eighth-level demon. He couldn't figure out how an ant that could be coaxed to fly with a single punch could carry it down. He even felt that his fist hurt a little.

He was a little horrified, it seemed that he still underestimated the combat effectiveness of this mech.

A huge fighting spirit was ignited in his eyes, and he punched towards the mecha without any rules.

Feng Wei didn't run or hide, but took it with a punch.

At this time, no one noticed that her mental power had condensed into a long sword, which was inserted straight into the space behind her, forming a space crack.

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