Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2253 Is this something normal people can think of?

Soon the fist energy from the eighth-level demon's attack was absorbed by the absorption function of the mech and transferred to the long sword of spiritual power, and then transmitted to the space crack.

Feng Wei had already discovered that the law of the life star was loose, but it still needed some strength to forcibly tear it open a crack.

Now it happens to be able to use these eighth-level demons to help complete it.

Sure enough, every time the energy was transferred into the space crack, she felt that the energy law that suppressed her abilities was a little weaker.

The demon and the mecha fought like this for no less than 30 rounds before the demon stopped. He found that this move was useless against the other party, so he stopped trying.

At this time, the combat power list of all bases suddenly changed.

Feng Wei, who was originally in second place, soared to the first place, pushing Bai Jia down

The ability level behind her has also changed from six to seven.

Many people were alarmed by this change, but they were all able to accept the result, after all, Feng Wei was already very good.

On the other side, the demon started a new round of powerful attacks on Feng Wei.

This time, they don't need to fight directly, but constantly use different abilities to attack, breathe fire, condense soil cones, and so on.

Feng Wei accepted all of them forcefully, and also absorbed his supernatural energy, and sent it to the space crack behind her.

The suppression of the law was weakened again, and then reached a critical point.

Feng Wei sighed, the borrowing was over so quickly, the supernatural power in her body moved, breaking through a layer of restraint again.

Immediately afterwards, the combat power rankings of the major bases suddenly changed again.

Feng Wei was still at the top of the list, but the seven after her name suddenly became an eight.

People from the major bases ran out one after another when they saw the changes on the combat power list, and some even rubbed their eyes thinking they were dazzled.

"Oh my god, did I read it right? Feng Wei is in the eighth grade?"

"You read that right, because I saw it too."

"Didn't it be level seven a few minutes ago? Level eight so soon? Do you want to be so scary?"

"There is nothing wrong with our battle list here, right?"

"No, I asked other bases, and their combat power list also shows that Feng Wei has reached the eighth rank."

"Awesome! The fastest-leveling person in history, that's right."

"As expected of Feng Wei, the upgrades are so shocking."

"Six six six, I only accept the big beauty now."

The major bases were shaken because of Feng Wei's crazy upgrade from level 6 to level 8 in a few minutes, and the small town was the same.

Every time Feng Wei upgraded, he didn't hide his aura.

At this time, her whole body exudes an eighth-level aura, and it spreads nearby, giving people the feeling that it is no less than that eighth-level demon.

"Did I feel wrong? Why did I feel that Feng Damei's aura suddenly confronted the eighth-level demon?"

"You don't feel wrong, I also have this feeling deeply."

"Does this mean that Beauty Feng has been promoted to the eighth level? Or is it just a short-term promotion?"

"Even if it's a short-term promotion, it's awesome. If we are promoted to the same level as this demon, then we won't lose?"

"Probably not, we have to trust Miss Feng."

The Bai family's eyes shrank, Feng Wei broke through the shackles of the two layers of laws so quickly, what happened?

He recalled the previous battle in his mind, and suddenly caught the point.

He reacted quickly, his eyes and face were full of shock, Feng Wei actually borrowed the energy of the eighth-level demon to attack the shackles of the law.

How did she come up with this method? Is this something normal people can think of?

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