Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2254 This woman is the devil, right?

Everyone was shocked by Feng Wei's sudden operation.

Soon Bu Xu came back to his senses and asked Bai Jia, "Is her promotion to the eighth level temporary or stable?"

Bai Jia also came back to her senses, "It's stable, she just broke through the restraint and recovered to level eight."

Feng Wei is different from him. He came here after the world changed, so he will be suppressed by the law and restrict his talent and level.

He happened to come with the energy of radiation and the energy stone, taking advantage of the gap between the world changes, so he was originally level eight, and he is still level eight now.

Although he is also at the eighth level, in terms of combat power, he is definitely inferior to Feng Weilai.

These words made everyone unable to bear it, as if they had been beaten to death, "Beauty Feng is mighty!"

The fierce eyes of the demon leader revealed a look of shock, "How could it be, how could you be promoted two levels in a row?"

Since when has it been so easy to upgrade?

Feng Wei's laughter overflowed the mech, "It's all thanks to your help! If you didn't attack me so violently, I wouldn't be able to upgrade two levels at once."

Then she said with some disgust: "It's a pity that you are still weak, otherwise I can upgrade again."

If this guy is a ninth-level ability, maybe she can use his power to directly restore the original tenth-level ability.

The endurance of this low-level life star is only tenth level, so she is equal to invincible.

"..." The devil wanted to vomit blood when he heard this, this woman must be the devil.

He felt like his energy had been absorbed by something before, but he really didn't expect to push this woman to upgrade instead.

Although she has just entered the eighth level, the aura she released is not inferior to him at all. Where did this woman come from?

He had a feeling that he couldn't kill her.

Instead, she gave him a sense of danger.

He glanced coldly at the people who summoned him from the Yinhun sect, did these idiots do it on purpose? Could it be that you want to call him to kill him?

But after working together so many times, it doesn't look like it!

He was also really angry, and he raised his hand and swung a force towards the person who summoned him from the Yinhun sect.

This is completely venting anger, that person is at level six, without the slightest effort to fight back, he was chopped into two pieces and died instantly.

Seeing this, the members of the Yinhun sect and the alien species couldn't help but backed away.

At this time, the giant worm king who had already landed on the ground quit, jumped out suddenly, and his body suddenly became bigger, and he stopped when he was about to get close to the demon king.

"Ugly, this belongs to me." It raised its neck and roared at the demon leader.

The demon leader snorted disdainfully, "Who cares?"

A group of ants is not worth his successive shots.

At this moment, several dazzling rays of light flew towards him suddenly.

He sensed a great danger and hurriedly avoided it.

But there were still a few beams of light falling on his body, and everyone saw a lot of blood holes suddenly appearing on his body.

That energy actually penetrated his body, and that's how the blood hole was caused.

The mecha driven by Feng Wei has been completely upgraded, but it can only last for three minutes.

The demon leader felt a threat of death, he turned around without hesitation and walked towards the blood curtain, wanting to return to his own world.

Feng Wei mercilessly fired the energy laser gun at the demon leader, and the ability was also released at this time.

Countless strong vines grew on the ground with the help of the demon leader's soil cone, directly entangled him and restrained him.

Countless metal blades also flew towards him.

The demon leader was about to go crazy, he quickly struggled to avoid it.

Suddenly, a ray of light flew straight to his throat with lightning speed.

He wanted to avoid it, but he was entangled tightly by the vines, blocked by the metal blade, and more importantly, the speed of the light was too fast.

Then he widened his eyes, raised his hand to cover his neck in disbelief, and fell heavily on the ground. He didn't expect to be summoned to eat, but was killed instead.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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