Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2256 is too shocking

Following the direction Feng Wei pointed, everyone could see the members of the Yinhun sect and the aliens who were still standing behind the blood curtain, but they had already run away without hesitation.

The Giant Insect King was shocked by Feng Wei's combat power before, and he thought in his heart that his previous decision was indeed correct.

Now it is no longer Feng Wei's opponent, this woman is too scary.

After hearing Feng Wei's words, it regained consciousness a little bit later.

When it saw the people from the Yinhun sect running away, it got angry, "Damn ugly things, what are you running for?"

Then he chased after him without hesitation.

"Don't kill those alien species, just freeze their legs." Feng Wei shouted after seeing it slipped out.

In the past, the giant insect king would definitely find it troublesome, but now the desire to survive is not as strong as usual, "Got it."

The highest level of the Yinhun sect and the alien species is level six, and the speed of the giant insect king will completely abuse them.

It quickly got into the ground, and when it came out, it was already in front of the fleeing people.

Before the Yinhun sect people begged for mercy, it spewed out a few mouthfuls of white air at them.

All the people from the Yinhun sect turned into ice sculptures, and the breath of life quickly dissipated.

The aliens were taken aback, but the giant insect king just sprayed on their legs at will, and did not release the energy of the ultimate move.

Just freeze them all in place one by one.

In just one round, the Yinhun sect and the alien species were resolved.

Seeing this, the people in the small town couldn't help sighing that the strength was absolutely everything.

The strong ones are like playing against the weak ones.

From this moment, everyone also had a clearer personal experience of strength and weakness, and decided that they must improve their strength and level.

In this battle, everyone originally thought that they might die in battle, but no one thought that it was their turn to fight, and Ren Fengwei and Huo Xiaoliang took care of it.

It's too shocking, is there any...

"Beauty Feng is mighty!" This was the only thing they could do now, shouting more passionately than the other.

The video of the battle here was soon transmitted to the major bases.

Feng Wei also added fire to the optical brain, and hacked the mission management systems of the major bases, and played the battle on the big screen.

She didn't want to promote how good she is, but to let everyone know that the Yinhun sect has colluded with the devil and has no bottom line in doing things.

By the way, the mecha is also promoted, so that everyone can feel the charm of the mecha and the technological power of the advanced planet.

Sure enough, after watching the video, the people watching at the major bases couldn't help feeling excited.

Especially the men, staring at the video of Feng Weixiu's mech one by one, felt as if their whole bodies were on fire.

They also really want to drive a mecha. It's awesome to have such a hearty fight.

For Feng Wei's strength, the people in the major bases all affirmed again.

Before, some people couldn't help questioning whether there was a mistake in the combat power list, but seeing that Feng Wei killed so many demons without damage, and easily killed the eighth-level demons, all those doubting voices disappeared.

Instead, there was a wave of mecha fever in the base, and Feng Wei was worshiped as an idol, and her popularity soared rapidly.

If it is before the end of the world, she will surely become the top class.

On the other side, after Feng Wei waited for Huo Xiaoliang and the others to harvest the materials from the demons, he asked Ding Yue to arrange for the frozen aliens to be moved to the small town.

As long as the fat worm is not unsealed, these alien species will no longer be able to move and attack.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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