Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2257 Probing Again

Feng Wei went back to the small town with the others, Ding Yue arranged for someone to clean the battlefield, and the tens of thousands of zombie crystal cores had to be dug out.

Instead of going to rest, everyone went to the conference room for a meeting.

This time Feng Wei called Bai Jia together, which surprised him a little.

When the high-level executives of the major bases arrived, Feng Wei said, "I think we can take advantage of the victory and pursue it, and set off to attack the dark organization base directly in three days' time."

When she was only at level six before, she was more cautious in doing things, but now that she has returned to level eight, with the mecha, she can walk sideways.

Prolonged time will do them no good.

Ding Yue and others thought for a while and nodded: "Okay."

Now they are very convinced of Feng Wei, she will fight as soon as she says, just right now everyone's morale is particularly high.

Feng Wei tapped lightly on the table a few times, "Now let's see if we can solve the problem of alien species."

A high-level executive at the base was puzzled, "Solve the problem of alien species? Haven't they all been arrested?"

Feng Wei replied: "The alien species are all captured by the dark organization for forced transformation. They don't want to be the tool of the dark organization, they are completely controlled, so I hope to rescue them."

She couldn't forget the look in her eyes when the alien was killed and released last time.

Although he was turned into a ghost by the dark organization, but as long as he can find a way, it's not impossible to change back.

Or even if it can't change back, it's fine if it's no longer under control.

"Then is there any way to help them?" Ding Yue sighed, "Those are also poor people."

Everyone also knows that the alien species is coming, so they still have some sympathy.

Feng Wei said: "City of Hope has been researching before, but there is only a little result, not enough to help them get rid of the control."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Bai Jia, "Old Bai, what can you do?"

Ever since Bai Jia configured medicines for different levels and physical fitness to improve his strength level through the medicine formula provided by Feng Wei, people in the small town respected him and got close to him.

Because he joined City of Hope, everyone affectionately called him Lao Bai, and Feng Wei followed suit.

Bai Jia looked up at Feng Wei, unable to see the deep meaning in her eyes, he was silent for a moment and said, "I'll try."

A smile appeared on Feng Wei's face, "Then I will leave this matter to you, Lao Bai. If you need any cooperation, just tell me."

This is also her temptation to Bai Jia again.

Zhuang Yi also smiled and said: "Yes, Lao Bai, I will bring someone to help you."

Bai Jia didn't refuse him either, "OK."

Because he was afraid that someone would leak the battle plan, Feng Wei didn't bring it up in the meeting room.

The meeting broke up, Huo Xiaoliang and Feng Wei didn't move, the others looked at each other, smiled and got up to leave, leaving two people behind.

Huo Xiaoliang handed the newly received satellite image of the Diablo organization to Feng Wei, "Recently, the Diablo side will deploy defenses again."

Feng Wei took it over and looked at it. She had memorized the previous satellite images in her mind, so she quickly noticed the difference.

"It doesn't matter, when the time comes, let the big fat bug lead the battle, and I will also let Haifeng and Changsheng call for mutant beasts and plants to serve as the first line of defense together with it."

Feng Wei pointed to a point on the map, "It's completely fine to break through here."

Huo Xiaoliang looked down, "If the mutated beast army assaults from this position, it should be more than 90% sure that it will be fine."

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