The two synthesized the satellite map and discussed a set of battle plans together.

Feng Wei used to be in the war school, where he majored in the manufacturing department, but also studied the command department, and participated in many battles, so he is quite experienced in combat deployment.

Huo Xiaoliang joined the military after graduating from the military academy, and he also has rich combat experience.

The two not only have a tacit understanding, but also a feeling of hitting it off.

After discussing the battle plan, Feng Wei stood up, "Shall we have dinner later?"

Huo Xiaoliang also stood up, "Okay!"

Then, as if he was about to say something, he stopped again.

Seeing this, Feng Wei asked with a smile, "What do you want to say?"

Huo Xiaoliang took a deep breath, as if he had made some decision, looked at Feng Wei with fixed eyes, and said sincerely: "Feng Wei, I like you."

"Can you be my girlfriend?" He still pushed forward his original plan to pursue his confession after solving the dark organization.

Feng Wei looked at him in surprise and surprise, "Are you confessing to me?"

She could actually feel that Huo Xiaoliang liked her, but what she didn't expect was that he would confess his love now.

Huo Xiaoliang nodded firmly: "Yes, I like you, and I confess to you."

"Can you think about it and let me be your boyfriend?" It was the first time he was so nervous, his palms were sweating.

Feng Wei could see his nervousness, looking at his handsome face, she chuckled lightly and stretched out a hand, "Hi boyfriend."

She doesn't like hypocrisy. Whether it's because of her family background or her appearance or personal ability, she has been surrounded by many men since she was a child, but she has never had feelings for anyone.

But when she is with Huo Xiaoliang, she will feel more relaxed and feel protected and cherished.

He didn't come here for his family background, he just liked her.

Just like just now, the whole city was determined to die, Huo Xiaoliang's first thought was to let her live.

He was not acting, but he almost blew himself up, just to buy her time to run, and she was still touched at the time.

Plus she couldn't deny that she actually liked him before.

Whether it's appearance, personality or tacit understanding, Huo Xiaoliang actually really likes her.

Then why bother to take Joe again, let's open up and talk about a relationship.

Huo Xiaoliang's eyes shrank, and he looked at Feng Wei blankly at first, only to realize that a bright smile appeared on Jun's face that had never been seen before.

He reached out to hold Feng Wei's hand, "Girlfriend, hello."

Then he pulled Feng Wei and hugged him into his arms. His voice was a little excited, "I'm very happy."

Feng Wei put her arms around his waist and buried her face in his arms, she really felt more secure, "I'm also very happy."

The two confirmed their relationship in this way. When they left the conference room, Huo Xiaoliang took Feng Wei's hand and went out together.

He sent Feng Wei back to the room to rest first, and then returned to his own room, sitting on the balcony and looking into the distance, his eyes were full of smiles.

After sitting until evening, she got up to take a shower, changed her clothes, and went to eat with Feng Wei.

Feng Wei also changed after taking a shower, and it happened that the two of them wore very similar clothes.

The same T-shirt and jeans, those who didn't know it thought it was a couple's outfit.

The moment they opened the door and saw each other, both of them couldn't help showing tacit smiles.

Huo Xiaoliang took the initiative to hold one of her hands, "Let's go down and eat."

Feng Wei closed the door and let him hold her hand, "Okay, they sent a text message just now, saying that today's dinner is very rich."

I'm sorry, the old text is stuck today, it's delayed, the update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~

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