Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2259 everyone is still very optimistic

Among the military personnel that Ding Yue brought, there are logistics staff, so he is responsible for cooking for everyone.

A restaurant is specially sorted out here for everyone to eat.

This meeting happened to be time for dinner, and everyone except the city guards had made an appointment to have dinner together.

Then everyone saw that Huo Xiaoliang walked into the restaurant holding Feng Wei's hand.

Although everyone thought that the two might be together, they didn't expect it to be so sudden.

Seeing the two holding hands, Zhuang Yi felt a sour taste in his heart, but he soon felt relieved.

He looked at the hands of the two with deep meaning and said with a smile: "Tsk tsk, you are holding each other, is that what we meant?"

The corners of Huo Xiaoliang's lips rose, "That's what you think."

He raised Feng Wei's hand and said with a smile: "Let me introduce you again, this is my girlfriend Feng Wei."

Feng Wei didn't speak, but looked at him with a smile on his face.

Zhuang Yi and the others immediately booed, "Tsk tsk tsk, girlfriend!"

"Good job boss." Qin Zhe squeezed in and gave Huo Xiaoliang a thumbs up.

The boss really caught up with beautiful woman Feng, really awesome.

Zong Ze sat on his seat and knocked on the bowl with his chopsticks, "Please, please!"

Others also came over, "Please, please."

Huo Xiaoliang glanced at them, "How can we treat your performance?"

Shouldn't these guys be congratulated?

Everyone couldn't see his displeasure, and they stopped teasing and laughed.

"Haha, congratulations, congratulations, treat, treat."

"May you grow old together!"

"May you be united forever!"

For the two being together, everyone is holding the attitude of congratulations and blessings.

There were actually quite a few people who were tempted by Feng Wei, but it is one thing to appreciate being tempted, but another thing to dare to pursue it.

They felt that Beauty Feng could only be used as a goddess, and the distance between themselves and the goddess was too far to be crossed.

Huo Xiaoliang is definitely the best among his peers on the planet. Everyone is very optimistic about his success in pursuing Feng Wei.

At this time, if it were someone else who said it was okay with Feng Wei, they would definitely not congratulate her like that.

Huo Xiaoliang's stern face had a brilliance and smile that he had never seen before, "Thank you for your blessings, I will treat everyone to dinner after I take down the Dark Organization."

"Okay, okay!" A group of people picked up chopsticks and knocked on the bowl together, the scene was very lively.

After Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang were together, they became closer, just hugging each other with their little hands.

In fact, it is very similar to Huo Xiaoliang's amnesia at the beginning, but the feeling between the two is still different.

Anyway, there are pink bubbles everywhere you go. Not only do you have to prepare for the battle, but you also have to eat dog food every day.

The news of the two being together quickly spread to various bases, and the Huo family at the Kyoto base welcomed wave after wave of congratulations.

Mr. Huo and the top management of the Huo family were very happy to see the two of them together, while Huo Xiaohai and his mother were about to die of anger.

Two days later, Bai Jia took the initiative to find Feng Wei.

Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang were watching previously saved movies on the tablet in the room.

Hearing the knock on the door, Huo Xiaoliang took the initiative to open the door.

Seeing Bai Jia standing at the door, he asked with a faint smile, "Old Bai, what's the matter?"

Feng Wei had already told him about the crystal nucleus in Bai Jia's heart.

Therefore, they are all on guard against Bai Jia, but what the other party has done recently is on their side, so it is impossible for them to make a move.

Unless it is confirmed that Baijia is related to the Diablo organization and is really on the opposite side of them.

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