Yin Hanyu immediately regretted that he should not wait patiently for him to take the initiative to pay attention, but should take the initiative to contact him earlier, then maybe he will be the one sitting next to him and joking.

Watching the two people talking intimately, Yin Hanyu was so uncomfortable that she could hardly breathe, and she tried to look away.

The friends around her also saw Feng Yan and Xia Ruo's small actions, and sighed inwardly, feeling that their girlfriends were probably out of luck.

In all these years, Feng Shao has never been so patient and pampering to any woman.

Soon, the instructor of the Mecha Manufacturing Department came in and introduced himself first.

Then he took out the brochure and called the names to get a general idea of ​​who was who, and then the class began.

This time, the number of people who applied for the elective course of mecha manufacturing and maintenance was much higher than in previous years. He also heard about Feng Sanshao, and many girls here came for him.

This tutor knew that many people would fail the assessment and leave at the end of the semester, so he didn't bother to understand each student carefully.

After the screening in the next semester, what remains is what he needs to pay attention to.

When class started, Xia Ruo pushed Feng Yan, and said disgustedly: "Don't get so close, listen to the class carefully, and go out if you sleep again!"

If someone else spoke to him with this tone, Feng Yan would definitely get angry.

But when I heard Xia Ruo's words at this time, I just felt that she cared about me, and there was a trace of sweetness in my heart, "Understood, I won't embarrass you!"

Then he sat up straight and listened carefully to the class.

Although he didn't have much interest in mecha manufacturing, but because he was a mecha warrior, he had learned some basic mecha knowledge, which sounded quite easy.

Xia Ruo can refine puppet beasts. Although the principles of the mecha are different, they can also be integrated. She listened to the course very easily.

The instructor was also observing the students' lectures during the class. Seeing Yin Hanyu, the number one in his department, with red eye circles and absent-minded appearance, he frowned slightly.

Seeing that Feng Yan was actually listening to the class seriously, he was shocked. Didn't this little ancestor come to join in the fun?

He found that the beautiful girl sitting next to him was also paying more attention to the lectures and taking notes from time to time. He also remembered that she was Xia Ruo during the roll call before, so he couldn't help but pay more attention.

For these mentors, the loss of talent is not the most terrible thing, but the most terrible thing is the loss of enterprising spirit and fighting spirit.

Xia Ruoshuang's talent has fallen to D level, and she can still get the first place in the exam, which shows that she is very motivated and has more potential.

Mentors love students who are motivated and have potential.

Xia Ruo was used to taking notes during the earth period, so she spent a lot of money to buy a few paper notebooks and pens, and would record the knowledge points that she found useful in class. Good impression.

After class, Feng Yan asked Xia Ruo: "Are you still going back to the dormitory to pack your things? If you don't, let's go!"

Xia Ruo asked with a smile, "Where are you going?"

Feng Yan said: "The farm! Otherwise, where are we going?"

"Aren't you going home?" Xia Ruo raised her eyebrows.

Feng Yan nodded confidently: "If you don't answer, you still owe me so much interest, of course I will eat yours and live yours, and then I can get it back!"

Xia Ruo glared at him angrily, "Rogue!"

Then she walked up to the front first, Feng Yan quickly chased up and walked side by side with her, seeing Yin Hanyu and the girls who signed up for elective courses at Feng Yan were worried again.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~ The sixth update should start again in a few days, okay~~

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