Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 271 Did you take the wrong medicine today?

This Friday, when I went out at noon, Xia Ruo packed up and said hello to my roommate, and didn't go back to the dormitory after class.

Feng Yan chased after him, and the two drove back to the farm.

In the school's parking lot, many people saw Xia Ruo getting into Feng Yan's car, and the two left together, causing the school net's forum to blow up again.

Back at the farm, the employees gathered together one by one.

"Little Ruoruo is back!"

"Little Ruoruo, you are finally back, we miss you so much!"

Xia Ruo chuckled and said, "You want to eat the food I cooked."

"Little Ruoruo is so smart!" After the group of retired soldiers came to work in the farms and ranches, their tempers gradually became brighter, and each of them regained their former vigor.

Xia Ruo is kind to the employees, "I'm tired today, so I'll cook something delicious for you tomorrow!"

"Aww! We knew that little Ruoruo was the best!" A group of people cheered immediately.

Fu Yibin has been here for a week. He is also a retired soldier, and he quickly became friends with these people.

"Boss, let me report to you about the situation in the supermarket."

Xia Ruo nodded, "Let's talk about it when we eat!"

"it is good!"

The food cookers in the farm cafeteria were trained by Xia Ruo, and she provided a lot of recipes. The taste of the dishes now can be as good as those of the native restaurant chefs outside, or even better.

Xia Ruo is going to eat in the cafeteria tonight.

Back at the villa by the stream, Xia Ruo took a bath first, and Feng Yan did the same.

Just as he dried his hair and went to the living room, Feng Yan walked out when he heard the sound.

"What are we having for dinner tonight?" He put his hands on the back of the sofa and asked Xia Ruo with his head next to Xia Ruo's ear.

Xia Ruo rolled his eyes at him, "Don't just think about eating all day, I don't want to cook today!"

"Okay, then let's take a day off, but you have to remember what you said that day." Feng Yan reminded.

Xia Ruo blinked, "What?"

"Cake, milk tea!" Feng Yan hummed.

Xia Ruo smiled and pinched his handsome face, "Why do you think about sweets all day, a man!"

Feng Yan didn't pat her hand away, but kept pinching her hand, "Men can't eat sweets? I just like it!"

He really doesn't have much interest in sweets outside, but he likes to eat whatever Xia Ruo makes.

"Tomorrow morning, I will ask the workers on the ranch to squeeze fresh milk and make it for you!" Xia Ruo will definitely not renege on what she promised.

Feng Yan snapped his fingers, "This is more or less the same!"

"Should we go out for a stroll after dinner?" Feng Yan asked thoughtfully.

He had read various love books on the Internet before, and they all said that he should often ask girls out, go shopping, pay for her and carry bags for her, which is more likely to win girls' likes.

Xia Ruo looked at him inexplicably, "What are you shopping for?"

Feng Yan choked, "I want to buy a few sets of clothes, you accompany me!"

"Didn't your second brother prepare all your clothes for you? A closet is full of clothes, and you usually wear school uniforms at school. Why do you buy so much?" Xia Ruo found that this guy was a prodigal.

Every half a month, Feng Yi's assistant will send over custom-made clothes for Feng Yan, all of which are designed and made by well-known designers in the Federation. This guy can't finish wearing new clothes every day.

It was only then that Feng Yan remembered that his second brother took over all his clothes, "Then let's go shopping elsewhere."

"Or let's go to the movies!"

Xia Ruo reached out and touched Feng Yan's head, "Did you take the wrong medicine today?"

This guy usually doesn't like shopping, let alone watching movies.

There are also movie theaters in the real world in this world. Wearing special glasses, it is the same as being there.

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