Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 301 They don't want to seek abuse


Cai Zhen's face turned black, and she even trembled with anger.

Appearance is the point of her most inferiority complex. After entering the school, the boy she fell in love with rejected her on the grounds that she didn't like her appearance. This made her feel even more inferior, and at the same time gave birth to a deep feeling for beautiful girls. Jealousy.

Now that Xia Ruo called her ugly in public, she was angry, angry and hated!

But this time, she didn't dare to say any harsh words. It was the pain in her body that made her feel an inexplicable chill towards Xia Ruo. This woman was too cruel!

Seeing that she was very angry, Xia Ruo asked with a half-smile, "Does Cai still want to continue practicing against me?"

Cai Zhen froze, "No, no need!"

Now she just wants to go to the infirmary for treatment as soon as possible, the whole body hurts too much!

"That's all for today, and I look forward to practicing against Cai next time!" Xia Ruo smiled slightly.

She just wanted to scare this person, so as not to annoy him later.

Cai Zhen's face was blushed by her words, and she continued to practice against Xia Ruo only when she was stupid.

Seeing that she was silent, Xia Ruo curled up a mocking arc on her lips. This person likes to bully the weak, bullying the good and fearing the evil is really disgusting.

She raised her eyes and glanced around, with a harmless smile on her face: "Does anyone else want to practice fighting with me? I will accompany you!"

The other women took a step back one after another. The man-in-law was beaten to the ground by Xia Ruo, so they didn't dare to go.

The boys were also shocked. Although Cai Zhen is a girl, there are not many boys who can beat her in the combat department.

There is no room for fighting back against Xia Ruo now, they have always been beaten up, they don't want to seek abuse.

And it can be seen that Xia Ruo's fighting skills are really good, whether it is in terms of attack or defense, it is better than what the instructor feels.

The only one who can practice against her is Feng Yan, the Overlord.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Feng Yan one after another, and saw that he was no longer expressionless at this time, his handsome face was dyed with a proud and proud smile, and his eyes looking at Xia Ruo also showed a rare softness .

Only then did they realize that it wasn't that Feng Yan didn't help Xia Ruo before, but that he knew how powerful she was.

"Clap, pat!" The instructor laughed and said, "Xia Ruo's fighting skills are very good, very good!"

Although her physique has dropped to D-level, Xia Ruo's strength will not be weak with such a fighting ability, and she can even fight against supernatural beings like Feng Yan.

Also a good seedling!

Xia Ruo smiled: "Thank you, mentor, for the compliment!"

In the next battle training, Feng Yan also easily finished torturing each other, and the two of them were free.

After class ended, soon there was an additional post on the student forum on the school network.

"Today I will definitely let you understand that waste is waste! "

Many people clicked into this post out of curiosity.

There is a picture inside, which happens to be a screenshot of what Cai Zhen said to Xia Ruo, with a caption on it.

There is also a video, which is exactly the video of Cai Zhen choosing Xia Ruo as an opponent in the real training class until she was beaten to the ground.

I don't know who was bored and secretly recorded it, the person who posted it was anonymous.

At first everyone was stunned when they saw the title and the screenshot, and then the first thought in their hearts was that Xia Ruo was going to be sad.

As a girl, Cai Zhen has outstanding fighting ability and is well-known in school, and many people know her.

In addition, Xia Ruo happened to be a hot topic recently, so many people couldn't help but click on the video to watch.

I'm sorry, my home is being renovated recently, so I'm quite busy. I sent the materials over for installation today, and I'm going to watch over it. Let's continue at 19:30, okay~~

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