The video was clicked on, but the content inside was completely different from what everyone imagined.

Originally thought that Xia Ruo would be bullied miserably by Cai Zhen, but unexpectedly, it completely overturned their imagination.

"This is what Cai Zhen said to teach the trash? She is the trash herself!"

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that Cai Zhen would not be able to fight back in front of Xia Ruo."

"Xia Ruo's fighting skills are very good, and Cai Zhen sent her to torture herself."

"It deserves it. Cai Zhen often bullies girls who are beautiful and have no strong background in the academy. Now being beaten down by Xia Ruo is retribution!"

"Yeah! She offered to practice against Xia Ruo, and nine out of ten she wanted to bully him, who knew she kicked on the steel plate!"

"Is it just me who noticed that Xia Ruo's fighting power is so strong?"

"You're not alone. I've also discovered that Xia Ruo's combat power is really strong. I suspect that she can win against a third-level supernatural being with just her fighting skills."

"Didn't it mean that her physical fitness has dropped to D level?"

"After all, she used to have an A-level physique, and the impact of falling to D-level should not be so great that she will directly become an ordinary person."

"She got second in the last trial assessment. At first it was said that she was cheating. Later, the academy clarified that she mainly relied on the weapon that General Xia Zhan asked a master to forge. But now Xia Ruo has proved it with her strength. , she deserves her name as the second!"

"That's right. Before, I thought that Xia Ruo's trial and assessment depended entirely on that sword, but after seeing this video, I feel that the rumors are so fucking unbelievable."

"The slap came so fast, and I began to admire Xia Ruo in my heart. She is not only beautiful, but not only did she not give up after her talent fell, but she got better and better, so inspiring!"

"Yes! No wonder Feng Bawang treats her differently, not to mention their experiences are somewhat similar!"

"From today onwards, I've decided to be a fan of Xia Ruo, she looks so handsome beating Cai Zhen!"

"Same fan!"

"Don't you think Xia Ruo is going too far? Cai Zhen just wants to practice fighting with her. As for beating her to the ground a few times?"

"There's something wrong with the brain upstairs. Who doesn't know what Cai Zhen's reputation is in school? It's annoying to bully the weak and fear the hard. You actually think Xia Ruo is too much, but I think it's good to beat her up!"

"Fuck upstairs!"

The forum was full of quarrels, most of the students discussed Xia Ruo's strength, and she also used her combat power to thoroughly prove that the trial assessment last semester was well deserved!

Originally, there were still many people who were jealous and hated Xia Ruo because Feng Bawang treated Xia Ruo differently, and gradually changed their views.

After the actual combat training, Xia Ruo and Feng Yan left the school directly.

"I'm going to help Jules with acupuncture, what are you doing?"

Feng Yan smiled and said, "I'll be the driver for you!"

"Then do I want to thank you?" Xia Ruo leaned on the back of the chair.

Feng Yan laughed softly: "You're welcome, you just need to remember my kindness!"

"Smelly shameless!" Xia Ruo rested her eyes with her eyes half closed.

Feng Yan thought for a while and asked, "Cai Zhen dares to pick on you today, why don't you let her drop out of school?"

Xia Ruo turned her head speechlessly, "The principal is your aunt, not you!"

"I have plenty of ways to get her to quit school!" Feng Yan said domineeringly.

Xia Ruo lazily said: "You don't need to take action on such a small person. She can kill herself in the future. After today's incident, she will never dare to find fault with me again!"

The following chapters are written and found that there is a lack of a plot, I overturned and rewritten it, it will be delayed, continue at 20:30, if you want to read it all at once, you can read it again at 9:30, okay~~

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