Xia Ruo started on Cai Zhen's weaker parts of the human body. It was enough for her to go back for a while, and it was still impossible to find out the cause, and the equipment could not detect the injury.

When she sees herself in the future, she will take the initiative to take a detour.

Feng Yan shrugged, "Okay, you can do whatever you want!"

"Good!" Xia Ruo reached out and patted his head.

Feng Yan said angrily, "What do you think of me?"

"You look like a big wolf dog sometimes!" Xia Ruo laughed.

Feng Yan glared at her, "Can you speak?"

The two laughed and laughed all the way and soon arrived at the farm.

The distant silver dragon empire.

A stern and extravagant man in a battle uniform walked into the palace, and at a glance he saw the man who was playing with the cat on the sofa in the living room.

Xia Xuan raised her head when she heard the footsteps, and said with a light expression: "I came back very early today!"

Yan Lingfeng nodded and put the things in his hand on the table, "Today, Jules brought tea and honey from the federal planet and told you to try it!"

Xia Xuan was a little surprised, but she was also lacking in interest. There were many people who usually took the opportunity to give her things.

Reaching out at random, he dug out two cans of tea and a bottle of honey from his pocket.

When I saw the amber-colored honey in the bottle, I was stunned. I quickly opened the lid, and a faint and familiar fragrance lingered on the tip of my nose.

She picked up the spoon she used for dessert before, took a small sip and put it in her mouth, a surprise flashed in her eyes quickly.

Immediately, he picked up the tea leaves and opened them. Seeing that there were green tea and black tea from the earth, his heart skipped a beat.

She picked up the green tea and got up and quickly made a cup, taking a sip and tightening the hand holding the cup.

It is a familiar taste, with a hint of aura, which is a unique feature of Ruoruoxian Magic Vine.

She stood in the kitchen with a teacup in a trance, and Yan Lingfeng walked in, "What are you dazed about? Do you like the taste of this tea?"

Xia Xuan raised her head with a smile on her delicate and beautiful face with a bit of charm and enchanting, as bright as the most beautiful peony blooming in the sun, "I like it!"

Yan Lingfeng was stunned. Although he had been married for several months, every time he saw Xia Xuanxiao, he would still be amazed occasionally. The number one beauty of the Silver Dragon Empire was indeed well-deserved.

"Then when I get Jules back, bring some back!"

Xia Xuan smiled and asked, "Who did he buy the honey and tea from? The taste is very special, I like it very much!"

"I'm not sure, I'll ask another day!" Yan Lingfeng said lightly.

Xia Xuan's mind changed, "What's the Jules terminal number? I'll talk to him in person!"

Yan Lingfeng was a little surprised, "Let me ask for you!"

Xia Xuan's smiling face instantly cooled down, "Why, I don't even have the freedom to call to ask about honey and tea?"

Yan Lingfeng knew that this woman's temper was not ordinary, and she had a headache, "As you like!"

Then he lowered his head and fiddled with the terminal, "I sent it to you!"

Xia Xuan calmed down and called Jules. Indeed, she just inquired about honey and tea. The corner of her lips rose unconsciously when she heard that she was from a farm.

Seeing that Yan Lingfeng was sitting not far away and kept looking at her, he told Jules a few words, and then hung up the phone.

Xia Xuan ignored him, stood up and went upstairs.

Yan Lingfeng rubbed his eyebrows, "When are you going to make trouble?"

Xia Xuan turned around and looked at him coldly, "I'm not interested in arguing with you. After your position stabilizes, we will divorce. Just in time, you can find your sweetheart!"

Yan Lingfeng took a deep breath and was just about to speak, but Xia Xuan walked upstairs quickly, leaving him with a slender and graceful back.

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