Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 304 The taste of hometown?

Jules happened to be in Feng Yi's car when he received the call. After hanging up, he didn't say much, but Feng Yi paid attention.

Xia Ruo greeted Feiyu in advance, so the cafeteria cooked two more dishes.

When they arrived, Feng Yi and Jules also arrived.

They arrived early, and the main purpose was to mix dinner.

After the two sides met, just as the cafeteria started serving food, everyone sat down to eat and chat.

Naturally, the chef in the cafeteria was not as delicious as Xia Ruo, but it was much better than outside. Jules and the others were quite happy.

When he was about to finish eating, Jules looked at Xia Ruo and asked, "Miss Xia, do you still have wolfberry honey and tea in your hand?"

"There is, but there is not much honey, and I am not going to sell it!"

Xia Ruo wiped her mouth after eating and asked, "What's wrong?"

Jules said with a smile: "That's right, I bought a few bottles with Mr. Feng before, and then sent two bottles back to the Silver Dragon Empire. Our Crown Princess likes it very much and wants to help me buy a few more bottles!"

"Prince Concubine Tea also likes it very much. I want to buy more this time and take it home!"

"You have to give me all the points, or I won't be able to explain it when I go back!" he said familiarly.

Xia Ruo didn't expect Jules to be sent back to the Silver Dragon Empire so quickly, "Is it because your crown princess likes it very much?"

The Silver Dragon Empire adopts a monarchical system. Although there is also a parliament, the imperial power is deeply rooted in the empire and occupies a dominant position.

The status of the crown princess is very high in the Silver Dragon Empire.

Jules nodded and said with a smile, "Yeah! The crown princess just spoke to me, and she specifically asked me to bring back some honey and tea. She said it tasted like hometown!"

Hearing this sentence, Xia Ruo was stunned, "The taste of hometown?"

"Yeah! She also asked me to ask you if there are any cherries on the farm, and if so, let me bring some back. This is her favorite fruit." He added according to what the princess said.

Xia Ruo's eyes darkened, "I have a few cherry trees on my farm, but they haven't yielded yet. I'll contact you when cherries come out in the future!"

"Okay!" Jules smiled. "And honey and tea?"

"When you leave, I will give you a few bottles for you to bring back. I can't make you embarrassed, Mr. Jules."

"Haha, thank you Miss Xia for your understanding, and feel free to find me if you have anything in the future!" Jules was in a happy mood.

Xia Ruo tried to ask: "Can you keep one for your crown princess' terminal? If I produce some special fruits here, I can send her a copy."

Jules thought that Xia Ruo wanted to expand his business, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, the terminal number of the Crown Princess is hidden, and I don't know."

"You can send it to me later, and I'll tell you about it for you!"

He really didn't know the terminal number of the Crown Princess. The number he called was from a number that was blocked and covered up with detailed numbers, but with a record, he could call back or send a message in the future, but he couldn't tell others.

And the identity of the Crown Princess is unusual, even if he knew it, he would not dare to tell it at will, unless the Crown Princess agrees.

Xia Ruo smiled and nodded: "Okay!"

"Then let's go for acupuncture!"

"Okay, I'm going to trouble Miss Xia again today!"

"A few please!"

After acupuncture for Jules and others, Xia Ruo sent them out of the farm.

She whispered to Feng Yi: "Second brother, come to the farm for coffee later."

It was the first time that Feng Yi was invited by Xia Ruo. He was a smart person and guessed that she should have something to do.

"Okay, I'll take them back to the hotel and come!"

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