Feng Yan didn't care much about this matter, but he said flatteringly: "That's right, this scumbag, that princess is unlucky enough to marry him!"

Xia Ruo suddenly thought of a question, "In the Silver Dragon Empire, can the prince and princess be divorced?"

Feng Yan found that Xia Ruo's brain circuit turned a little fast today.

But I also felt that she was unhappy, "Of course, divorce is possible. Although the Silver Dragon Empire adopts the monarchy, marriage is also free, which is not much different from our federation."

"Of course, although it is said that the prince can get a divorce, after all, Yan Lingfeng's identity is in the end. Unless he asks for it, it may be difficult for the princess to get a divorce."

Xia Ruo turned her mind, "Well, it shouldn't be easy!"

She turned her head and asked, "How did you find the list of medicinal materials I gave you earlier?"

Feng Yan replied: "Most of them have been found, and there are two very rare ones, and they are still looking for them!"

The list given by Xia Ruo can prepare a complete detoxification potion, and his family attaches great importance to it. They not only search for it in the Federation, but also send people to search for it in the other two empires.

"What are the other two?" Xia Ruo asked.

"Illusory sea secret orchid and purple loquat leaves."

"Well, I'll make a note of it too, to see if I have a chance to meet you in the future."

"Okay, my family is still looking for it."

"I'm sleepy, go to rest first, see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow!"

Xia Ruo returned to her room and began to practice after taking a shower.

If you want to gain a foothold here, strength is too important, and you still have to improve your cultivation as soon as possible.

Feng Yan searched for two different medicinal materials, one of which was for her own detoxification, and the other was also an important medicine for Feng Yan's antidote, so he had to search for it as much as possible.

She suddenly remembered the first floor, where the search for information was very powerful, and she didn't know how to find things.

She wanted to try anyway, so she went directly to the first floor to find the middle-aged man.

He handed over the spirit grass and illustration book he was looking for, and the middle-aged man accepted the order. They were only responsible for providing information but not finding it, but this was enough for Xia Ruo.

Then Xia Ruo went to look at her own supermarket in the virtual world. It was not yet eight o'clock at this time, so the supermarket was not open.

But there was a long queue outside, and most people were talking about the supermarket.

"The ingredients in this supermarket are fresh and high-quality. Since I bought it once, I don't want to eat nutritional supplements anymore!"

"That's right! The chicken, duck, fish, and pork that have recently been put on the shelves are also delicious. They taste much better than exotic meat. Everyone in my family likes them very much, so I have to wait in line at five o'clock every day!"

"It's too early if you don't come! If you come late, your things will be picked up!"

"Fortunately, there is a purchase limit for everyone, otherwise the people in front will be able to buy them all!"

"The owner of this supermarket is really a conscientious person. From Monday to Friday, he will also broadcast live recipes from the ancient earth period. I buy them back and cook them accordingly. The taste is not to mention delicious. It is much cheaper than going to those original restaurants outside! "

"Yeah! I don't like to go to original restaurants to eat now. I feel that I might as well queue up to buy it and cook it myself. It is economical and affordable, and the most important thing is that it is delicious!"

"Today's live broadcast of fish-flavored shredded pork..."

Xia Ruo walked past these people, and when she heard their praise and affirmation of the ingredients and recipes in the supermarket, her lips curled up in a happy arc.

It won't be long before the Chinese cuisine recipes in the previous earth era will sweep the entire Federation.

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