The next morning, Xia Ruo and Feng Yan went to school after breakfast.

Feng Yan still sent Xia Ruo to the teaching building of the logistics department before leaving, and the others also went from being surprised to getting used to it.

There are elective courses every afternoon this week, and Feng Yan and Xia Ruo also go there together.

This is a research class on native plant materials. The instructor is more interesting. He introduced many plants and materials in this world to everyone. Xia Ruo listened carefully, which is very useful to her.

Feng Yan fell asleep when he heard it, and just as he was about to lie down on the table and take a nap, there was a pain in his waist. When he lowered his head, he saw Xia Ruo reaching out to twist himself.

He grabbed Xia Ruo's hand and said in a low voice, "I won't sleep anymore!"

Xia Ruo said in a low voice: "Learn more about these things, and you will be able to use them when you go out on the battlefield in the future. You should listen carefully. I won't help you review what the tutor said in class in the future!"

Otherwise, this guy doesn't listen well in class, and he will rely on her to explain it again when he comes down, which is a waste of time.

Feng Yan held Xia Ruo's hand, sat up straight solemnly, "Got it!"

Xia Ruo then turned her attention to the class again, and took her hand out of Feng Yan's.

Feng Yan bit his tongue regretfully, but still cheered up and attended the class.

Xi Yu fell asleep lying on the table after listening for only a few minutes, while Ming Rui still listened carefully to the class.

They came to accompany Feng Yan, but Ming Rui didn't want to fail the exam, and as for Xi Yu, if he didn't pass more than half of the exam, he would be sorry for him coming to sleep every day.

Xia Ruo also went back to the farm that day, collected several wolfberry vases, and used the power of the fairy magic vine in her body to give birth to a cherry tree.

Soon the cherry tree, which was only in flower, began to bear fruit a little bit.

My sister likes to eat cherries, of course she wants to be satisfied.

She didn't tell Feng Yan when she came back today, and made breakfast early the next morning and took her back to school.

As soon as he walked back to the door of the dormitory, he saw Feng Yan was already standing at the door waiting.

"Why did you come so early?" She walked over.

"I got up early today!" Feng Yan was surprised, "Why did you come back from outside?"

"You went back?" Then he reacted.

Xia Ruo nodded, "Yes! I'll go back to collect honey and bring it back to Jules after he finishes his treatment tomorrow."

Then he took out a lunch box from the space and handed it to him, "I'll make you a breakfast too!"

Feng Yan opened it and saw that there were two finger pancakes with different flavors inside, and the meat and vegetables mixed in were all his favorites.

A soft smile overflowed from Taohua's eyes, "Very good!"

The two leaned against the tree side by side, Feng Yan picked up the finger cake and ate it, Xia Ruo half-closed his eyes, the two looked handsome and beautiful from a distance, and there was an indescribable atmosphere lingering, giving people A feeling that fits the eye very well.

People passing by can't help sneaking a few glances.

Ever since Xia Ruo showed her extraordinary combat power, there have been a lot fewer people saying that she is not worthy of Feng Yan.

The afternoon is an elective course of classical music, and the instructor brought a guqin from the collection room at home to the class.

This tutor is also a relatively well-known classical musical instrument player in the Federation, and he is best at guqin.

"I believe everyone is familiar with it. This is a Guqin from the ancient earth period..."

The instructor first introduced it, and then talked about the strings and scores.

After half a class, he said: "I will play a piece of music for you to listen to first, and then you can talk about your own feelings!"

"it is good!"

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