Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 324 Keep it in my heart

Feng Yan often sends things home, honey, tea, vegetables and fruits, these are Xia Ruo's wishes, and the old man remembers them all in his heart.

He also really likes Xia Ruo and the old lady, so he is more concerned about it.

Feng Yan took the box and asked curiously, "What is this?"

"As an ancient doctor, she should know how to use things that help restore physical fitness!"

"It's hard to find this thing, don't lose it, give it to Xiao Ruo when you get back, or I will break your leg!"

"..." Feng Yan twitched the corner of his mouth, he wondered if he was his own.

"I'm not three years old, your grandson, how could I lose it!" I didn't even open it.

Feng Yi smelled the pastries just now, "Grandpa, I gave you the benefits of blue and white porcelain, and the old men have left. Shouldn't you take out my pastry and try it?"

However, Old Man Feng hugged the box even tighter, "Go away, your share has been eaten up by some bad old men!"

"Your grandma will come back from a trip tomorrow, and I will save some for her!"

He conveniently picked up the cherry box on the table, "I'm going back to my room to rest, you two hurry up and get out of here."

After speaking, he ran away with his things in his arms, leaving behind two speechless grandsons.

Feng Yi couldn't laugh or cry, "The old man is getting more and more childish!"

Feng Yan was speechless, "He's having fun!"

"San'er, where's my share? Xia Ruo must have asked you to bring it to me!" Feng Yi couldn't find the old man to grab it, so he could only stare at his younger brother.

Feng Yan shrugged, "I was eaten by a few old men, and the rest was taken away by grandpa. I can't help it!"

"Tomorrow I'll go to the farm to eat!" Feng Yi thought that if he didn't eat it, he would always miss it in his heart.

Feng Yan smiled and said: "Then you come over tomorrow, there are still a few boxes of cherries in the crisper."

They will be able to leave school tomorrow Friday after the afternoon classes are over.

Feng Yi nodded: "Okay, let's come to the farm tomorrow night for dinner!"

The old man ran away, and the two brothers didn't stay in the old house any longer, they got up and went home separately.

Feng Yan returned to the farm villa, saw that Xia Ruo was not in the living room, so he knocked on the door.

Xia Ruo was practicing, and was forced to stop when she heard the knock on the door, and her face turned black when she was interrupted.

"What are you doing!" she said angrily, opening the door.

Feng Yan took out a plain looking box and shook it, "My grandfather asked me to give it to you."

Xia Ruo was a little surprised, she didn't expect the old man to give her something, "Come in!"

The two sat on the sofa, Xia Ruo took the box, "What's inside?"

"I don't know, Grandpa just said that it can help you recover your physical fitness!" Feng Yan sat a little closer to her, "Open it and have a look!"

Xia Ruo nodded and opened the box.

I saw a thing that looked like ginseng but was shiny black all over.

"It's actually a jackdaw and a cold ginseng!" Now even Feng Yan was a little surprised.

Normally, he couldn't resist this thing, but he happened to see it when he was reading a book on interstellar native plants recently.

This thing is a very effective medicinal material for nourishing the body. It can only appear in the territory of jackdaws, and the chance of birth is relatively small. It is not so difficult to get it from the jackdaws, which are fierce attacking groups.

Unexpectedly, the old man was found.

Xia Ruo was also shocked, "This is too precious!"

She was very interested in this thing when she read the introduction of native plant books. She knew a set of body training techniques, but the premise of cultivation was to rely on the spiritual materials of heaven and earth to open acupuncture points and meridians, jackdaws and ginseng would do.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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