Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 325 I am not doing this for anyone

Xia Ruo also went to find out about it before, and found that jackdaw ginseng is relatively rare and precious, and it is hard to find. There is no sale in the market, and it is difficult to find it.

She never expected that Grandpa Feng would find a plant for herself, and she couldn't help feeling a little warm in her heart.

Feng Yan smiled indifferently and said, "As long as it's useful to you, if you don't accept it, neither grandpa nor I will be happy."

As long as it is beneficial to Xia Ruo, he can't wait to hold it in front of her.

Xia Ruo reached out and rubbed the jackdaw ginseng in the box. This thing is really useful to her. If she succeeds in body training, her physical fitness that has fallen before will be restored and her strength will increase a bit.

"Okay, then I'll accept it. On weekends, you and I will go to the old house to visit Grandpa Feng." She was about to thank him.

The Feng family treats her sincerely, and she will have plenty of opportunities to repay her in the future.

Hearing what she said, Feng Yan breathed a sigh of relief, he was afraid that she would not want it, "Okay, I will accompany you on the weekend!"

"By the way, my second brother followed the old man's set of blue and white porcelain ornaments and gave it to Jules, and was trained by the old man all night today."

"Why don't you make a set of blue and white porcelain ornaments and give it to my grandfather when the time comes, it will definitely make him happy!"

Once the old man is happy, he will think of Xia Ruo the first time he encounters or finds such a good thing in the future.

"My second brother can make it up to you!" Feng Yan said with a smile, "Just ask for anything you want, my second brother has star coins!"

Xia Ruo laughed: "Are you a typical cheating grandpa and brother!"

Feng Yan looked a little unnatural, and muttered: "I'm not doing this for anyone!"

"Your grandfather gave me such a precious thing, and I was still wondering what gift to give to visit on weekends. Now that you say that, I decided to give the blue and white porcelain set!"

Xia Ruo gave him a slight push, "Don't keep thinking about cheating Grandpa and Second Brother, this time it's my heart for Grandpa Feng!"

For people who treat themselves sincerely, Xia Ruo doesn't want to be linked to too many interests with them, and doesn't want to change the taste!

When Feng Yan heard this, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He also knew Xia Ruo's character, and if he didn't know what to report, she might feel bad about it.

"Okay, then this time you can make a set of blue and white porcelain and send it to the old man, he will definitely be happy!"

"Well, I'll prepare it when I get back to the farm tomorrow!" Xia Ruo didn't prepare antique porcelain, so she gave it away with her own, which represented her heart.

Taking the antique ones as gifts, I always feel a bit deceptive.

After Feng Yan returned to the room, Xia Ruo took out the medicine refining vessel, refined Jackdaw Hanshen into several bottles of black liquid and put it away.

She exercises her body first, and then she can start quenching her body with these liquids.

Early the next morning, the two had breakfast and went to school.

Feng Yan still picked up Xia Ruo, she was in a good mood at noon, so she went to their dormitory to prepare for lunch.

As soon as they entered the door, Xi Yu and Ming Rui greeted them proactively.

"Xia Ruo, we need your help with something!" Xi Yu was thick-skinned, and came up to him with a bitter look on his face.

It was the first time Xia Ruo saw him like this, "What's wrong?"

"Did you make pastries with cherries yesterday, and picked cherries at the farm to give to Grandpa Feng?" Xi Yu blinked and asked.

Xia Ruo nodded: "Yes! You want to ask me for help, don't you want cherries?"

Xi Yu's eyes lit up, "Xia Ruo, you are so smart, yesterday my old man called and sprayed me up after eating cakes and cherries at Grandpa Feng's place!"

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