Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 335: Ruzi Can Be Taught

On the farm, Xia Ruo made a set of blue and white porcelain plates, a total of nine different colors, very beautiful!

Another exquisite classical wooden box was made, and she put the plates in according to the size, which looked more upscale.

After closing the box, she stood up and moved her arms, ready to take a shower and rest.

There was a knock on the door at this moment.

When I opened the door, I saw Feng Yan standing at the door, "What's wrong?"

Like a big wolf dog, Feng Yan poked his head in first, and said, "I just applied for an interstellar network permission for your terminal, and it was successful. I'll come over and talk to you!"

Seeing him like this, Xia Ruo felt a little cute. She took a step back and let him in, "So efficient? I checked before that applying for Starnet permission seems to be very troublesome, not only the application but also strict review."

The reason for such strict control is also to prevent spies from using the interstellar network to send messages or act as demons.

That's why she's been using Fengroi's terminal before, but she's also planning to apply for one, which is more convenient.

It's just that I didn't expect this rascal to act first, but he is becoming more and more considerate, which is rare!

Feng Yan asked for praise and said proudly: "I don't care who is going to do this, I will be efficient naturally!"

He also used some of his Lao Tzu's relationship, otherwise it would not be so fast.

Xia Ruo pinched his face with a smile, and praised him: "You are amazing!"

"Give me your terminal, and I'll help you apply and let them pass the review!" Feng Yan found out that Xia Ruo was very concerned about the incident of the princess of the Silver Dragon Empire, so he quietly went to do it in order to make her happy.

Xia Ruo handed the terminal to Feng Yan, and he started to fiddle with it.

Watching him lower his head and play around, make phone calls or send messages from time to time, his serious and focused appearance is very good-looking, Xia Ruo has a smile in his eyes, a child can be taught!

After about half an hour, Feng Yan handed over her terminal, "Okay!"

Xia Ruo took the terminal and tried to log in to the news website of the Silver Dragon Empire, and soon it was prompted that the login was successful.

"Feng Rogue, you did a good job this time and deserve praise!" She looked at him with a sideways smile.

Feng Yan's eyes were full of brilliance, and his handsome face came closer, "Then how do you want to reward me?"

Xia Ruo chuckled and asked, "What reward do you want? Order food?"

Feng Yan half-jokingly said: "Why don't you give me a kiss?"

Ordering food is not important anymore, intimate contact is more important.

With a smile on her face, Xia Ruo leaned her head closer, Feng Yan's ears were red, and his heart beat faster, did Xia Ruo really want to kiss him as a reward? So excited and a little nervous!

Xia Ruo watched his ear tips turn red slightly, and he burst out with pleasant laughter. She didn't expect this guy to be so innocent.

She leaned closer to his ear, "What a beautiful idea!"

She is not so easy to chase, the rogue wants to trick her, it's a dream!

After finishing speaking, he left, leaving Feng Yan stunned for a moment, was he being molested?

"You!" Feng Yan said angrily, "Bad woman!"

Just now I thought she was going to kiss him, and he was so nervous, who knew it was just teasing him.

"Then I will make another reward request!" He said.

Xia Ruo smiled and shook her head: "Don't wait for the time, you have already missed the opportunity!"

She stretched out her hand and pinched his handsome face habitually, "Be good next time, and I'll give you another chance to ask for a reward!"

Feng Yan had a helpless face, like a big wolf dog who just shrugged his head and didn't get candy, "See if you can do it!"

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