Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 336: Hidden So Deeply

Feng Yan was not discouraged, he felt that there was still hope for him to continue his efforts.

He remembered a question, "When you use the terminal, don't disclose information about the Federation, even if it is unintentional, such as the information about the pills you made!"

"Once the international terminal is connected to the signal, it will enter the detection range of the system, that is, there will be system monitoring and inspection, which is also to prevent spies and so on."

Although he didn't think Xia Ruo would make such a low-level mistake, he still reminded him.

Xia Ruo didn't expect such a restriction on connecting to an international terminal, but after thinking about it, it seemed normal.

The Federation, Yinlong, and Wisteria, even though they are strategic partner countries, are also very competitive with each other. Each country has each other's spies.

"Well, I will pay attention!" Xia Ruo nodded.

Feng Yan continued: "By the way, my second brother called me just now and said that Jules' contract has come into effect and will be made public tomorrow."

"Jules has been to the farm several times before to see your news, and he can't hide it. The executives of other big pharmaceutical companies in the Federation will probably guess that it has something to do with you that you can win the purchase right of the silver forest grass. Be prepared to be tested and so on."

He also transferred a few people from his elite team to secretly protect Xia Ruo. The person he likes is too good, and he is sweet and worried about her safety.

Xia Ruo knew, "If it is announced here, will there be any action from the Wisteria Empire?"

The second brother Feng's pharmacy company properly grabbed meat from the other's mouth this time, and he would definitely be hated.

Feng Yan said with a smile: "Don't worry about this, the Wisteria Empire has just subsided, and the top royal family can't be bothered to deal with the second brother's pharmaceutical company for the time being, and the prince behind their largest pharmaceutical company has also been imprisoned. So we are lucky, It's a good time!"

Otherwise Jules wouldn't have made the news so soon.

Because Xia Ruo had not opened an international terminal before, her knowledge of the Wisteria Empire was limited to fur.

I only know that it is a relatively powerful empire. It is not as strong as the Silver Dragon Empire militarily, but it is the strongest economically.

"How could there be civil unrest?" she asked curiously.

Feng Yan explained, "The old emperor of the Wisteria Empire passed away suddenly, and he left a will for the prince to succeed the throne. This made the other princes who had been disobedient to set up and fight each other.

"However, no one would have imagined that the dandy crown prince would change his former rambunctiousness and dandy decadence. Not only did he succeed to the throne vigorously and resolutely, but he also borrowed the strength of his mother's family, resulting in a shocking reversal."

"The prince who participated in the rebellion has already been taken down and has been imprisoned for life. It's just that the dandy prince's succession time is relatively short, and there are still many hidden dangers. He has to clear them one by one, and the Wisteria Empire is in turmoil. foreign."

"No one would have imagined that the dummy, who was deliberately raised crooked since childhood, was hidden so deeply, and his behavior was completely like a different person."

"However, in the power whirlpool of the royal family, forbearance and camouflage are sometimes essential. It only depends on who has the last laugh. Obviously, the dandy prince is the real winner!"

Xia Ruo was surprised, "That prince's mother also died?"

Feng Yan nodded: "Well, his mother died not long after giving birth to him."

"However, the old emperor of the Wisteria Empire has a deep affection for the queen, so even if he is a dude, he still ignores those objections, makes him a prince, and even makes a will to let him succeed the throne."

"The old emperor of the Silver Dragon Empire is more fond of his successor. Yan Lingfeng is not very popular with the old emperor. He relies on himself to have today's stable position." He added.

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