Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 351 He is different from others

Sending away everyone who came to eat today, Xia Ruo and Feng Yan also returned to the farm.

After taking a bath, Xia Ruo didn't want to practice either, so she lay lazily on the sofa and swiped her terminal.

On the side of the Silver Dragon Empire, her sister didn't have much news, but the crown prince Yan Lingfeng made headlines again. He had just won a battle with a battle group at the border, and the news of the God of War's recovery quickly spread.

Chinese medicine pays attention to seeing, smelling and asking. Xia Ruo found out from his frontal photos on the news that his complexion looks good, but the fundamental problem has not been solved. It should only be because her sister's Phoenix appeases and suppresses it.

This guy is very courageous, and he continued to go to the battlefield without healing the damage to his mental power. If there is another problem, it will really be completely ruined.

However, it seems that his efforts are very effective, and the situation in the Silver Dragon Empire should temporarily stabilize with the news of his recovery.

This is what Xia Ruo wants to see. After all, her sister is still on the same boat with this guy, so he can only be good to her sister.

Then she went to look at the news of the Wisteria Empire. There were a series of reforms on it, but it was a pity that she couldn't find a photo of the new emperor after searching for a long time.

Just as there was a knock on the door, she didn't bother to get up and open it, "Come in!"

Feng Yan pushed the door open and came in, and saw Xia Ruo lying on the sofa in a nightdress with her legs crossed.

He smiled and walked in and sat beside him, "It's rare that you didn't meditate today!"

Xia Ruo looked away from the terminal, "I want to rest today!"

Cultivation requires a combination of work and rest. She takes one day a week to relax.

"Aren't you resting yet?" she asked.

Feng Yan said helplessly: "I just received a call from the old man, so I came here to look for you!"

Xia Ruo and Feng Yan are very familiar, so she didn't bother to sit up, hugged a pillow and looked at him, "What's wrong with Grandpa Feng?"

Feng Yan just liked Xia Ruo's relaxed appearance in front of him, "A group of old men said that they like to eat the dishes of private restaurants, and then let my grandpa tell you, can they not only open on Saturdays."

"Knowing that your time is limited, what they mean is that it's okay to let the farm chef cook, after all, the ingredients here are very good!"

Xia Ruo didn't expect the old men to like to eat, "This is fine too. I'll ask the chef at the farm tomorrow. You still have to give your grandpa face."

"It's just that if this is the case, we have to find two more chefs to come to the farm!"

She wanted to run a private restaurant, and she didn't want to hurt the stomachs of the farm workers.

Feng Yan's eyes were full of smiles, "Xia Xia, you are so kind, my old man will be very happy when he finds out!"

For my grandfather, although he often bickers, he is still very respectful and filial in his heart, and he will be happy with the old man when he is happy.

Of course, I am also very happy that Xia Ruo can change the original business decision because of him and grandpa.

Xia Ruo smiled: "It's nothing! Just remember me!"

When she came to this world, she met Feng Rogue when she was most helpless. The appearance of him walking against the light has always been engraved in her heart. He is different from others.

Most of the time, she is actually quite happy to indulge him.

From the beginning, the people in his family did not despise her because of her status, but took good care of her. She also wanted to reciprocate.

Feng Yan leaned forward, leaned over and said with a smile: "I will remember your kindness for the rest of my life!"

Xia Ruo smiled, reached out and pinched his face, "Then I will remember your words too!"

There was an indescribable atmosphere between the two, Feng Yan looked at Xia Ruo's bright smile, and couldn't help but want to kiss her.

Sorry, I'm late, the next chapter is 19 o'clock~

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