Feng Yan looked focused, and moved closer to Xia Ruo little by little.

Although Xia Ruo has never been in a relationship, she can't feel the affection in Feng Rogue's eyes and the actions he wants to do next.

She reached out and pinched his face again, breaking the ambiguous atmosphere with a chuckle.

The rascal wants to just kiss her like this, it's a beautiful idea!

"Bo Siyu asked me to discuss something today!"

Hearing Bo Siyu's name, Feng Yan's charming thoughts disappeared immediately, although he was a little regretful.

"Why is he looking for you again?"

Xia Ruo didn't intend to hide Feng Rogue, "He invited me to do a mission from the mercenary guild!"

"What task? They don't have enough people?" Feng Yan frowned.

He didn't doubt why Xia Ruo was invited, and now he was extremely confident in her ability, but he couldn't imagine how Bo Siyu would invite her.

Xia Ruo replied: "Their task this time is a bit dangerous and troublesome, so they need a doctor with excellent medical skills, so they chose me."

"The task is to catch the Bauhinia beast alive, and the accompanying purple loquat leaves can be kept by yourself."

Feng Yan was stunned for a moment, "Does he know that we will look for Zipaye again?"

Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence. Although the medicinal materials that Xia Ruorang found were not publicized by their family, it is not difficult to find out that the guy must use this as a condition to persuade Xia Ruorang.

Xia Ruo shrugged, "He didn't mention this, I guess he should know, otherwise he wouldn't have mentioned to me that the person who mentions the purple loquat leaf can take it by himself."

Feng Yan frowned, "Did you promise him?"

"I said I would consider it, but I will agree. Purple loquat leaves are hard to find. This is a rare opportunity that cannot be missed, otherwise I don't know when there will be any news!" Xia Ruo said firmly.

Feng Yan pursed his lips, "Then I'll go too!"

He also knew the importance of purple loquat leaves, and he couldn't delay important things just because he didn't like Bo Siyu.

Xia Ruo said helplessly: "I asked, and he said that there is no way to add more players!"

"This bastard did it on purpose!" Feng Yan gritted his teeth and said, "Shameless!"

They grew up compared to each other, they were rivals and disliked each other, so he knew that guy wouldn't let him go.

"I will negotiate with him." Feng Yan hummed.

Xia Ruo nodded with a smile: "Okay, you can ask him again!"

"By the way, Yan Yan offered to add a task, and Bo Siyu agreed!"

Feng Yan nodded: "Zhai Junyan's force value is relatively high, so the bastard will definitely not refuse!"

The two talked for a while, and Feng Yan went back to the room.

After swiping the terminal again, Xia Ruo took out a piece of rosewood to make a pipa.

Rosewood is used as the back material, which is not only very high-grade, but also has the best timbre.

The red sandalwood that she moved from the fairy magic vine to the mountain before has been successfully planted. This piece was originally in the space of the fairy magic vine, and it is quite old.

The next day, Xia Ruo consulted the farm chef's opinion, and with Mr. Xie's encouragement, Xia Ruo asked them to work in a private restaurant starting next Monday.

The dishes are fixed every day, and only eight private rooms are booked, and each private room has one table a day, and other guests will not be received when the reservation is full.

Once the discussion was made, Feng Yan called his grandfather.

Mr. Feng immediately started calling his old friends to show off, and asked everyone to make reservations early if they wanted to eat.

He also specifically asked Feng Yan to book a private room for him on Monday.

Not only Mr. Feng, Mr. Xie also called his old friends as soon as possible, showing off as well, and then let them make reservations.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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