When I gave the gift yesterday, I also attached a beautiful paper business card with the order number of the private restaurant on it, which was bound to Fu Yibin's terminal.

After more than ten minutes, Fu Yibin came over in a hurry.

"Boss, all the private rooms in the private restaurant are fully booked for next week!"

He said dumbfoundedly: "There are still people calling in to make reservations. I heard that this week's one is booked out, and everyone wants to make a reservation for next week."

Xia Ruo was slightly surprised, "So fast?"

Fu Yibin was also very surprised, "Yes! It seems that the person who booked the private room is not low!"

He also went to the private restaurant yesterday, and was actually taken aback. He didn't expect that all the people who came to eat were high-level officials who could only occasionally see it on the news.

Their boss's psychological quality is also super good. Facing those old men and the bosses of big companies, he is as indifferent as ever, and he can't help but feel a sense of pride!

Xia Ruo changed her mind and guessed that it might be the credit of Mr. Feng and Mr. Xie.

"It's okay, there will be more calls to order food in the future, just get used to it!" The ingredients here are good, and the chefs on the farm used to be skilled. In addition to the recipes she gave, the business will definitely be full in the future.

Fu Yibin thought for a while and asked, "Then boss, the client who is calling to make an appointment for next week's private room, should we pick it up or push it away?"

Xia Ruo thought for a while, "No reservations. From now on, the private restaurant will be closed every Sunday, and then you can set a time slot yourself. The person who calls in first can reserve a private room, or you can take out two private rooms to draw. You can make a reservation."

"Our private restaurant will not be short of popularity. In the future, you can come up with some tricks from time to time. You just need to keep them novel. The same is true for the dishes. You have to change the tricks often."

Fu Yibin looked like he was listening carefully, and asked with a smile: "Boss, please talk more!"

"Every once in a while, I make some special dishes, such as goji berry honey. On one day of the week, as long as customers who come to eat, can give a cup of goji berry honey water for free!"

"You can also get some VIP cards, set a membership day every month, and launch special dishes only for members. If you can't book a private room for members who come to eat in private restaurants, you can also make special meals on the monthly membership day. Deliver the dishes to your door, or prepare some other gifts."

"The gimmicks that are launched every once in a while, you can figure out what to do. If I think of something good to cook on Saturday, I will tell you."

Xia Ruo paused and said: "There are not many varieties of vegetables or fruits and vegetables on the farm. I will buy more varieties to plant. We can also add more meat. For example, open some fields to plant rice and raise eels in them. And crab, it must be very delicious."

As she said this, the people listening beside her couldn't help but want to eat crabs.

The taste of the native crabs sold in the imperial capital is really too ordinary, and the taste of the cooked ones is not that delicious. They are looking forward to the products from the farm.

Fu Yibin wrote it all down. He was a smart person, and his family was also in business, so he roughly followed Xia Ruo's train of thought.

"Okay, I'll make a detailed plan for you every month, if you think it's okay, I'll implement it!" If the customers of the private restaurant are ordinary people or simple businessmen, he will not be afraid.

But now it completely exceeded his expectations, so he had to be cautious.

If Xia can understand his mood, he will be able to deal with it after getting used to it after a while, "Okay, we can discuss and communicate every month!"

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