Xia Ruo didn't bother to pay attention to the housekeeper's expression, and left with her grandmother on her arm.

Only then did the housekeeper come to his senses, his eyes were full of panic, and he immediately shouted: "Come on, come on!"

Soon, more than 20 people rushed out from the old house, and they were all guards raised by the Xia family.

"Stop them and take them back to the old house!" The housekeeper pointed at Xia Ruo and Fei Shufen.

If Xia Ruo were to take the old lady away today and wait for the master and uncle to come back, he would be miserable.

The twenty or so people were taken aback for a moment, but without any hesitation at the butler's words, they rushed up and surrounded Xia Ruo and the two of them.

Among them are two third-level ability users, and the others are also first-level and second-level ability users, and their force value is not low.

Seeing this, Fei Shufen's heart tightened, "Ruoruo, you should leave first!"

Xia Ruo smiled: "Grandma, you have to believe in my strength!"

After speaking, he directly punched a guard who wanted to catch them.

Not far away, Feng Yan, who was sitting in the car surfing the Internet, saw this scene, and immediately opened the car and rushed out.

Fisting at the security guards surrounding Xia Ruo and the two of them, these damned guys are so brave that they actually want to attack his Xia Xia.

Although Xia Ruo and Feng Yan can't use their abilities, their fighting skills are not comparable to these low-level abilities.

Soon they teamed up and knocked all twenty people to the ground, completely ignoring the standing housekeeper and the servants who ran out to watch the fun, their eyes widening in disbelief.

"Miss San's fighting power is so strong?"

"Beating up so many people with supernatural powers without using supernatural powers, the third lady is really hiding her secrets!"

"I used to say that the second master and the second wife are so powerful, how could they give birth to such a cowardly child as the third lady. It turns out that the third lady was deliberately showing weakness at home."

"After all, the uncle and the lady are in charge of the house. The third lady was not yet an adult at that time. If she didn't hide herself, she might be..." The man didn't dare to say the second part of the sentence, but everyone knew what it meant.

"Miss San's mother's family is worthy of the Gu family, and her fighting skills are like the ancient martial arts in the movies."

"Who is this other person who rushed out? He looks so handsome!"

"I don't know, but looking at his temperament and strength, he will definitely not be an ordinary person."

"I heard that the third lady got along better after breaking off ties with the Xia family. I didn't believe it before, but now I do!"

"As long as the Xia family has the uncle and the eldest lady, the third lady will never be able to succeed!"

All the servants discussed in low voices.

Xia Ruo hasn't played so happily for a long time, she moved her hands and walked towards the butler.

The housekeeper's face was extremely ugly, "Third, Miss San, you can't take the old lady away!"

"Can't you take it away?" Xia Ruo kicked him over again, "What are you, you have the right to gossip about me!"

This housekeeper helped Old Man Xia bully grandma a lot, and she couldn't help but beat him up directly.

"Ahh! Miss San, you can't do this, I'm the master's housekeeper!"

"You beat us up and took the old lady away. When the master comes back, he will definitely not let you go."

The butler is not a supernatural being, and his force value is extremely weak. Not only is he unable to fight back after being beaten by Xia Ruo, but his whole body hurts like he can't breathe.

After so many years of being pampered and pampered, it was the first time he was beaten like this, and resentment and fear arose in his heart.

"I'm still afraid that he won't come to me. Just let him come. I welcome him very much!"

After Xia Ruo was out of breath, she stepped on his chest, causing him to open his mouth and yell, and then a pill fell into his mouth and slid down directly into his stomach.

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