Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 362 How to explain?

The butler clutched his neck in horror, then reached out to pick the pill, trying to get the pill out.

But it failed, he kept coughing dryly, looked at Xia Ruo and asked, "What did you eat for me?"

"Poison!" Xia Ruo scared him, "From now on, you will sleep for several hours every day, and you will definitely be in pain when you wake up."

She snorted coldly: "If you dare to use tranquilizers on my grandma, you can enjoy it."

The pills she made were all short-term effects, about a week's worth of medicine, but it was enough for the housekeeper to drink a pot.

The look of horror in the housekeeper's eyes became even stronger, "Miss San, that's the master's order, you can't treat me like this!"

He felt the pain all over his body right now, and he never thought that one day he would be violently beaten by the cowardly third lady.

Xia Ruo didn't bother to pay attention to him, and walked over to hold Fei Shufen who was also startled, "Grandma, let's get in the car first."

Only then did Fei Shufen regain her senses and nodded, "Okay!"

The housekeeper saw that the second young master was unable to speak for a week, went to all the hospitals, and invited several pharmacists to look at it, but there was nothing they could do.

If the second young master hadn't recovered in a week, the eldest lady would have brought someone to trouble Xia Ruo long ago.

He didn't want to suffer that kind of pain, so he stood up and wanted to run forward to stop Xia Ruo, but Feng Yan's stern and cold gaze frightened the blood in his whole body as if it was frozen, and he stood there tremblingly. , his feet even trembled a little.

Feng Yan is a double S-level talent, and he has a strong ability to crush all sentient beings. In addition, he has experienced so many deadly battles on the battlefield and killed an unknown number of enemies. frightening.

The housekeeper's body was sore and his legs were weak, he could only watch helplessly as the three of them got on the hover car and left.

Only then did he react, and immediately took out the terminal to make a call to Mr. Xia.

They also asked people to drop the surveillance video at the door and wanted to send it to the old man.

It was horrifying to find that the time in the video was paused, just skipping the previous scenes such as the fight between Xia Ruo and Feng Yan. How would the master explain this when he came back?

The shock and fear coupled with the pain from his body made his eyes go black and he passed out directly.

On the suspension car, Xia Ruo introduced to Fei Shufen, "Grandma, this is my friend Feng Yan, who also lives on the farm!"

Fei Shufen had heard of Feng Yan's name a long time ago, and knew his background better, so she smiled and said, "Young Master Feng!"

In front of his grandmother who likes women, Feng Yan's stern air and coldness have long since dissipated, and he looks like a handsome and elegant young man, "Xia Xia and I are good friends, from now on, Grandma Fei can just call me by my name!"

Fei Shufen was surprised at Feng Yan's attitude towards her granddaughter, this little overlord who is well-known in the imperial capital, he heard that he used to be wanton and didn't give anyone face.

But since Feng Yan is so polite, Fei Shufen naturally didn't lose face, "Thank you Feng Yan for making a move today!"

"Grandma Fei is being polite, what a joke!" Feng Yan smiled.

Whoever dares to bully his family Xia Xia, he will not make it easy for anyone.

Fei Shufen used to think that her granddaughter said she had a good relationship with the Feng family to comfort herself, but now she believed Feng Yan's attitude.

She thought for a while and said, "Feng Yan, can I trouble you to drive to the Federal Bank?"

Feng Yan nodded: "No problem!"

Fei Shufen looked at Xia Ruo again and said, "I saved some information in the Commonwealth Bank, let's get it back now."

Now that the granddaughter has grown up, there is no need to hide some things.

Seeing her expression, Xia Ruo roughly guessed that grandma had something to tell, "Well, I'll go get it with you!"

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