Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 363 How can there be such a coincidence

The Commonwealth Bank is the largest bank in the Federation. It belongs to a national institution. It can not only deposit and withdraw star coins and energy stones, but also rent out the location of the safe.

There can be valuable antiques in the safe, as well as confidential information. The security of the federation is very strong, and it is absolutely guaranteed that no damage will be done to customers.

Fei Shufen opened the safe on the first floor with her pupils and fingerprints, and then a red light emitted from the cabinet fell on her and scanned it.

"The face and breath match successfully!"

After the beep, the safe will automatically open.

There is nothing valuable inside, only a stack of paper files and a V disk.

"Ruoruo, put this in your space first." She handed the things to Xia Ruo.

"Okay!" Xia Ruo took it and threw it into the space. She felt that the content of these materials must be unusual.

After leaving the bank, Feng Yan drove back to the farm.

Xia Ruo originally wanted to arrange a bedroom for grandma in the villa, but Fei Shufen prefers a house built in the mountains.

The family members of the soldiers who worked on the farm lived nearby, and there were several women, which was quite convenient.

Xia Ruo thought that she usually had to go to class, and grandma would be able to chat with these people if she lived here, so she agreed.

They didn't bring salutes from Xia's house, and those clothes and jewelry didn't matter to Fei Shufen, Xia Ruo cleaned Fei Yu's room, and took her grandma to the villa first.

Feng Yan knew that the two must have something to talk about, so he said hello and left the farm, returning to the old house to visit his grandparents.

Xia Ruo poured a cup of tea for her grandma, and took out the previous materials from the space.

"Grandma, is it related to these materials that Old Man Xia imprisoned you?"

Fei Shufen nodded, "Yes, when you grow up, you can understand some things, you can see for yourself."

Xia Ruo was not hypocritical, picked up the file and looked through it.

After reading it, his face was a little dull.

"The death of father and mother is related to Dafang. Did old man Xia participate or know about it?" Xia Ruo felt that tiger poison does not eat children. According to memory, old man Xia still liked and valued his second son.

In this information, it was found that the death of the original parents was related to Dafang, the evidence that the Xia family pharmaceutical company made false accounts, and the private exchange of news and coins between Dafang and the pharmaceutical company of the Wisteria Empire.

Fei Shufen shook her head, "This dead old man didn't participate."

Immediately, his eyes turned cold, and this kind of sadness spread all over his body, "I didn't know before, but now I don't know. It's just that your parents are dead, and he likes that bitch the most. How would he choose between the dead and the living?" , there is no need to guess."

This is also the sadness of her life, because the family married a dead old man, but in the end her son and daughter-in-law were killed.

Xia Ruo didn't need to guess to know what the old man would choose. At first, he scolded his eldest son in pain at most, and then he must want to cover up for his eldest son.

Feeling the sadness on the old lady's body, Xia Ruo shook her hand, "Grandma, did you refuse to leave Xia's house just because you wanted to investigate these things?"

Fei Shufen replied: "Yes, the more I think about the death of your parents, the more I feel that something is wrong. There is no such thing as a coincidence. When your mother went out, she obviously changed the route to the outside world, but she was still attacked by the alien beast in the starry sky."

"When your father was carrying out his mission, there were also a large number of alien beasts in the starry sky besieging him. Isn't it because someone leaked his news?"

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