Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 367 The Purpose Is Not Pure

Feng Yi regards Xia Ruo as one of his own, which is why he will tell things that only a very few people know.

As for whether he will be poached by Lu Yunfeng, he is not worried at all, he believes in Xia Ruo's character.

It seems that Xia Ruo will become his sister-in-law in all likelihood in the future, and he also hopes that his family can develop well, instead of binding them to his own pharmaceutical company, that would be too selfish.

Xia Ruo feels that Feng Yi treats her sincerely. This is what she likes about the Feng family. If she is recognized, she will be treated very warmly, like a family member.

"Okay, I'll listen to my second brother!"

At this moment, a female voice sounded from not far away, "Second Young Master, I'm done washing!"

Immediately, the camera swayed there, and Xia Ruo saw a woman in a bathrobe walking towards her.

As soon as the woman walked over, she put her hand on Feng Yi's shoulder from behind the sofa.

From his invisible perspective, he cast a very vague, hostile and provocative look at Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo was stunned when she saw the woman, not because she was surprised that there was a woman in Feng Yi's room, but because she didn't expect it to be this woman.

She didn't know this woman, but a few days ago, the first floor sent her some news about Xu Ying. Among them were two photos of this woman eating with Xu Ying.

Since she is Xu Ying's friend, the identity of this woman is not that simple.

Feng Yi didn't expect that she would run over to hug him, but he was still making video calls with Xia Ruo.

There was not much warmth in his eyes, he said lightly: "Go back to your own room after taking a shower."

The woman snorted coquettishly, "Second Young Master, let me talk to you!"

Feng Yi frowned, stretched out his hand to pull her hand away, and looked a little coldly, "No, you go back to your room!"

Seeing this, the woman pursed her lips, then stood up and nodded reluctantly, "Okay, see you tomorrow!"

He didn't dare to make any more overstepping movements, and when he left, he took a deep look at Xia Ruo in the video, with deep displeasure in his eyes.

Xia Ruo looked back at her coldly, stained with icy coldness, which made the woman startled, then turned and left.

When the sound of closing the door came, Feng Yi explained to Xia Ruo with a smile, "She is my female partner who came to work this time, arranged by the organizer. The shower in her room is broken, so I came here to borrow it."

Normally, Xia Ruo wouldn't meddle in other people's business. Feng Yi is a well-known flirtatious son in the imperial capital, and he can change his girlfriend and girlfriend at any time.

She could see that the way he looked at the woman was not like the liking between a man and a woman, it was rather cold.

"Second brother, can you ask me a question, besides being a female companion, is this also your new girlfriend?"

Feng Yi was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Xia Ruo to ask such a question, after all he knew that she was not a person who liked gossip.

"It's just a female companion. She will pursue me again, but I haven't agreed yet!"

"I usually like her style, so the organizer arranged for her to be my female companion." He said truthfully.

"Is there a problem?" He thought for a while and asked.

Xia Ruo didn't hide it either, "I checked Xu Ying on the first floor, that is, my mother's former servant. She has a big problem, and she still has a force behind her. Among the information I found, there are the woman and her husband just now. A picture of Xu Ying eating together."

"I'm afraid that the purpose of this person approaching you is impure." She reminded.

Feng Yi nodded and smiled: "I see, thank you Ruoruo for reminding me, your news is very useful to me."

If there is really someone behind this woman, then he has to dig hard, maybe there will be a big harvest, Xia Ruo is indeed the little lucky star of their Feng family.

"Second brother, don't be polite to me, just know what you have in mind!" Xia Ruo chuckled.

The two casually said a few more words before hanging up the video.

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