Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 368 This is Enough

Feng Yan made a phone call and heard that Xia Ruo's aunt was coming to the farm, so he ate at the old house at night.

Xia Ruozhe cooked some home-cooked dishes, and they were ready when Xia Qingning came over.

Xia Qingning walked in with a smile, "Ruo Ruo's cooking skills are really getting better and better, just smelling the smell is delicious!" Xia Ruo smiled and said, "It's just that my aunt has a taste of my cooking!"

After Xia Qingning washed his hands, the three chatted while eating.

Both Fei Shufen and Xia Qingning liked Xia Ruo's dishes very much.

"No wonder you want to open a private restaurant. With this cooking skill, no chef in the federation can match you." Xia Qingning usually only eats half of dinner at night, but today he ate two bowls in a row.

"If I often eat the meals you cook, it will definitely be my nemesis on the way to lose weight!" She sighed.

Fei Shufen smiled lovingly and said, "Both of you are not fat, so don't try to lose weight, it's a blessing to be able to eat!"

During the meal, the three of them didn't mention anything about Xia's family. After dinner, Xia Ruo went to make a pot of tea.

Xia Qingning then asked the reason.

Xia Ruo didn't hide anything, and told how Fei Shufen was locked in a secret room and injected with tranquilizers.

Xia Qingning's hand holding the teacup was tight, and his face was full of anger, "He really went too far, to treat you like this!"

"After you married him, you gave birth to children and took care of the housework. How can you feel sorry for him? His mistress's true love is invincible!" She was so angry that her chest heaved, and she wished she could run up to Mr. Xia to point and scold him.

Fei Shufen laughed: "I have no relationship with him, and the living can't compare with the dead, and I didn't expect to get his love."

She felt sick to be loved by such a person!

The reason why she and Mr. Xia had three children back then was simply because she liked children. After she got pregnant, she never let the old man touch her again.

Xia Ruo said: "That's why I let grandma and old man Xia divorce. Grandma is still young, so I can't be burdened by the old man and Xia's family."

Xia Qingning's eyes lit up, "Yes, divorce, divorce that person."

She always felt that her mother's marriage was too unfortunate, but she never thought that her mother would divorce.

This time his cold-blooded father actually imprisoned his mother. This marriage must be divorced, and her mother will still be able to find her own happiness in the future.

Fei Shufen's heart is warm, no matter whether her children or granddaughters are on her side, this is enough!

She said with a little worry: "But I have evidence of the Xia family's problem in my hand. The dead old man should not easily agree to divorce me."

Xia Qingning said angrily: "As long as he dares not to divorce, we will make the matter a big deal and directly go to the court to lodge a complaint. Isn't he most concerned about face?"

Xia Ruo thought for a while and said, "Use the evidence in grandma's hand in exchange for a divorce. I believe old man Xia will definitely agree."

Divorce is not a one-sided issue. If old man Xia is stubborn and refuses to agree, he will not necessarily divorce if the matter becomes serious. Her grandma may also face a lot of pressure from public opinion.

Old man Xia is a person who puts interests first, so it is better to exchange interests for freedom.

Xia Qingning trusted Xia Ruo quite a bit, but she was still a little unwilling, "Isn't it too cheap for them to exchange for evidence?"

"The evidence is gone, and more people can be found to deal with them, but the divorce is imminent."

Xia Ruo continued: "Leave the matter of collecting evidence and bringing down the Xia family to me."

Xia Qingning has heard a lot about Xia Ruo recently, and she was silent for a moment with gentle eyes, "Okay, I will leave this matter to you, if you need me, just ask, I will cooperate with you!"

"At that time, I will definitely need the help of my aunt's friend who is a barrister." The divorce still has to go through formal procedures, so that the affairs of the Xia family don't want to involve her grandma.

Xia Qingning nodded: "No problem, I will contact you tomorrow!"

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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