Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 374 Is this worth considering?

It was the first time for the mentor to have such close contact with the two masters, and it was completely under Xia Ruo's favor, so he hoped that she would perform supernormally.

Xia Ruo has participated in many performances in modern times, and took out the pipa she made from the space, and walked onto the podium with her arms naturally.

There was a chair on the podium, and she sat down with her pipa in her arms.

"Today, I will play a famous song "House of Flying Daggers" from the ancient earth period for you!"

Everyone present looked at her intently, with anticipation in their eyes.

Xia Ruo plucked the strings, like the sound of golden drums and warhorns before the expedition, as if entering a very fierce battlefield, the soldiers were mighty and brave, and then the weather was quiet and an ambush was laid, with tense and short breath.

After the ambush, there will be a life-and-death struggle between the two armies, swords and swords, shouts intertwined, shocking.

In the end, the encirclement was highlighted, and the enemy army pursued closely, and the music stopped abruptly with a tragic melody.

As soon as the song ended, the people present didn't react for a while, and they were completely immersed in the tragic war of gold and iron horses, which was soul-stirring and soul-stirring.

As a general, Feng Yan has a deep understanding of this kind of music, looking at Xia Ruo who is sitting not far away holding a pipa, Tao Hua's eyes are full of indescribable heat.

This is the girl he likes, he is so proud!

This was the most engaging piece he had ever heard, and he couldn't help but raise his hands and applaud.

Feng Yan applauded, which made the others come out of the previous song, and also involuntarily clapped along.

"Clap, clap!" Not only the students present, but also Pan Deyue and Qi Lan applauded in unison.

The eyes of the two were full of excitement and uncontrollable excitement. They really didn't expect that the top ten famous pieces played by the pipa were so soul-stirring that even they were completely immersed in the pieces and couldn't extricate themselves for a long time.

This also shows that Xia Ruo has deep attainments and talents in classical instruments, and the timbre of this pipa is not generally good.

"What a song "House of Flying Daggers" is really wonderful!" Pan Deyue stood up and praised.

Qi Lan nodded, Qing Yi's face showed a rare expression of appreciation, "This is the most shocking ancient famous song I've ever heard, and classmate Xia plays the pipa really well!"

Xia Ruo smiled, "The two masters are absurd!"

Pan Deyue walked up to the podium with a smile, and sincerely invited, "Student Xia, you are very accomplished in ancient musical instruments. Are you interested in joining our interstellar music guild?"

The tutors and students of the elective courses were shocked. Not everyone wanted to join the Interstellar Music Guild. Those who could be invited to enter, except for the master level, were all super music geniuses.

I really didn't expect that the vice president would invite Xia Ruo directly, but they were surprised, and they somehow took it for granted that Xia Ruo played the pipa really well.

Xia Ruo was silent for a moment and said with a smile, "Can I think about it?"

"..." The instructor and the students present twitched their mouths, Xia Ruo is not stupid! Is this still worth considering?

Entering the Interstellar Music Guild is not only a layer of gold plating, but also a symbol of glory.

Pan Deyue was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud: "We need classical music talents like you very much. I hope that student Xia will definitely consider it."

The students present couldn't help but feel a kind of envy in their hearts. If it were them, they would have agreed directly without hesitation at all.

Xia Ruo is really stable, her temperament is really incomparable with them.

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