Xia Ruo didn't agree immediately, and it wasn't because she wanted to hang on to Pan Deyue's appetite, but she was going to contact her sister first.

If my sister can still successfully join the Interstellar Music Guild, then she will choose to join, and they may be able to create a chance to meet.

She did not show any arrogance, but with a sense of humility, "I will definitely consider it seriously, and thank you for your recognition and invitation, senior!"

"Haha, I usually rarely invite people to join the guild. I really like a genius like you. It would be a pity to waste your musical talent!"

Pan Deyue paused and said, "And next week, there will be a music exchange meeting in the Silver Dragon Empire, and the well-known interstellar music masters will go there. I really want to see you make our pipa from the ancient Earth period famous."

Xia Ruo was startled, "Do you mean to let me participate?"

"That's right! So I sincerely want to invite you. You can play the pipa melodiously, and you have a strong sense of rhythm. You will definitely win glory for our classical music."

"How about it? Are you willing to win glory for our Federation? At least let the whole interstellar know our ancient earth pipa."

Pan Deyue was worried that the music masters who went to their federation would be compared to masters from other countries, but if Xia Ruo went, then he felt that the guqin and pipa would definitely be stable.

Xia Ruo's expression didn't change much, but there was a little more excitement in her heart, and someone would give her a pillow when she really fell asleep.

The music exchange meeting is going to the Silver Dragon Empire, so she and her sister will be able to meet each other!

"Since Senior Pan has already mentioned this, it would be too disrespectful for me not to participate."

Xia Ruo said with a smile: "I am willing to go to the exchange meeting!"

"Haha, student Xia is so refreshing, it's up to you young people to try this kind of honor for our Federation." When Pan Deyue heard that Xia Ruo was willing to participate, the smile on his face deepened.

Qi Lan also showed a smile, "I am looking forward to your performance at the exchange meeting."

Then he looked at the pipa in Xia Ruo's hand tenderly, as if looking at a treasure, "Can you let me see your pipa?"

Xia Ruo generously handed him the pipa, "Okay!"

She could see that this Master Qi really loved classical music to the core, and that's why he cherished ancient musical instruments. He didn't have any possession in his eyes, only pure liking.

Xia Ruo still admires this type of purer people.

Qi Lan took the pipa, plucked the strings a few times with his fingers, and couldn't put it down!

After trying the audition and feeling the sound of the pipa, he handed it back to Xia Ruo, "Thank you, we will have the opportunity to discuss and exchange Guqin music together in the future!"

Xia Ruo nodded and smiled: "Okay, I am also looking forward to communicating with Master Qi!"

Then Pan Deyue and Xia Ruo exchanged terminal numbers, "I will contact you later, and then help you with the formalities of joining the guild. Although the music exchange meeting next week is a bit rushed, the guild will reissue the invitation to you."

"I will also ask for leave for you and the academy. You can go to the Silver Dragon Empire with us next week."

Xia Ruo nodded: "Okay, please trouble me, senior!"

Pan Deyue discovered a good seed, he was in a very good mood, and smiled all over his face: "No trouble, I still hope that you, a little girl, can surprise me again!"

"Okay, we won't affect your class anymore, let's get in touch later!"

"Okay, the two seniors go slowly!"

The instructor also stood up on his own initiative, sent the two of them out of the classroom respectfully, and then returned to the classroom with an unconcealable excitement on his face.

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