Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 376 The number one student among the students

When the instructor walked into the classroom, Xia Ruo had already returned to her original position.

"Student Xia is really amazing. You are the first student in our college to be invited by the Interstellar Music Association."

He was a little incoherent with excitement, "No, it should be the first student invited by all colleges in the entire Federation. You are the pride of our second college."

Xia Ruo looked at the teacher so happy and excited, and said with a smile: "Thank you for the compliment, I will continue to work hard."

"Okay, very good!" The instructor looked at her and said, "I look forward to your performance at the exchange meeting next week, and I will take both the guqin and pipa with me!"

"Well, I will take it!" Xia Ruo nodded.

In the following time, the instructor forced himself to calm down, and brought up the pipa music separately for everyone to analyze and appreciate together.

When Xia Ruo first started playing the pipa, many students started recording videos, and Feng Yan did the same.

Before get out of class was over, the video of her playing the pipa and being invited by Pan Deyue to join the Interstellar Music Guild was posted on the Internet.

Xia Ruo has been on a hot search before, and many classical music lovers have paid attention to her.

As soon as the Pipa video was posted on the Internet, the number of clicks and downloads quickly exceeded one million. In addition to being invited by Pan Deyue, the vice president, it soon became popular again.

Not only was it on the hot search, but it was also on the headlines of the Federation.

"The first student who was invited by the Star Alliance Guild to join, a piece of pipa shocked everyone"

The news quickly occupied the homepages of major webpages, in a relatively prominent position.

There is no way, Xia Ruo will become the first student to enter the Star Alliance Guild, this is a relatively big gimmick.

There is also a scene in the video where Pan Deyue invites Xia Ruo to participate in the music exchange meeting. Anyone who pays attention to music knows that this is called a music exchange meeting, and it is actually a contest between music masters of the three countries.

In the previous exchanges, there were very few music masters on the Federation side who made a big splash. This time, both Pan Deyue and Qi Lan were more optimistic about Xia Ruo, which made the outside world couldn't help but focus on her.

Xia Ruo also became popular in the Federation because of the song "House of Flying Daggers", and many music lovers became fans of her.

"It's so shocking. This pipa piece is more touching than the Guqin piece played by Xia Ruo last time. I like it so much!"

"I like it too. I like both Guqin music and Pipa music. Each has its own taste!"

"It's amazing. She can play two ancient musical instruments at such a young age. I want to be a fan of her."

"The first student to join the Interstellar Music Guild Alliance, Xia Ruo is very tricky!"

"Xia Ruo, who has lost her S-level spiritual power, would have been decadent and let herself go if she had been replaced by someone else, but she has shown her value in other ways. It's really inspiring!"

"It's really inspirational. In the future, our Federation will not only be a legend of being the Overlord, but Xia Ruo will also be a legend. I hope she can win glory for our Federation at the music exchange meeting!"

"You can't see anything from a piece of music? The Interstellar Music Alliance is full of masters and geniuses. If Xia Ruo goes, he may not be able to win glory. Don't be too happy!"

"The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Maybe she will only play this song, and the feeling is not very good!"

"It's so ugly, this kind of music is too embarrassing to participate in the Interstellar Music Exchange."

Looking forward to the good reviews, there are also some unfavorable remarks, and even a lot of sunspots came out to stir things up soon.

Feng Yan has been surfing hot searches all the time, seeing these sunspots, his face darkened, and the person who sent him a message said that if other people can invite sailors, so can he.

Not only did he invite Shuijun and Heizi to fight against each other, but he also asked two super hacker subordinates to hack each other's ID, dug out the team behind him, and even put on a vest to fight.

Dare to blackmail Xia Ruo of his family, the other party is really tired of it!

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~ The title of the book cannot contain symbols, so it has been changed from the original to "Rebirth, I want to be a student god", and the cover has been redone, but the original picture will be used for convenience Look for it on your bookshelves, okay~~

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