Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 378: Tolerable or Unbearable

Xia Xuan was not afraid of Yan Lingfeng's suspicion.

"I also feel like we have known each other for a long time, which means we are destined!"

Yan Lingfeng didn't suspect anything, he just rarely saw someone Xia Xuan liked and warmed up to so much.

The other party is a girl, and he has nothing to eat.

I thought to myself, maybe she was ostracized at home before, and it was rare for her to meet a friend she could talk to, so she was so happy.

"It's good to make more friends. You can invite her to your house for dinner when you meet." Ever since that incident, Xia Xuan has always been very indifferent to Yan Lingfeng, and he has been looking for opportunities to relax.

Because Xia Xuan was in a good mood, she didn't bother to yell at him, so she said bluntly and generously: "Okay! But don't come back when the time comes, we women chat, you men are here, we can't let go."

She and her sister have a lot to talk about, it's not convenient for this big pig's hoof.

Yan Lingfeng laughed with a little bit of pampering that he didn't realize: "Okay, I won't come back, I will give you the place!"

He wasn't very interested in chatting with the two women, so he immediately asked, "Have you decided to join the Interstellar Music Guild?"

"That's right! I also have a partner when I join each other." If she didn't join the music guild, how could she have more contact with her sister!

Yan Lingfeng also agreed with Xia Xuan's joining the Interstellar Music Guild. This is a big bonus item, which represents a kind of ability and self-cultivation. As his wife, he naturally likes Xia Xuan to bloom her own brilliance.

Let those who are not optimistic about Xia Xuan see that she is actually very good.

"Joining is also good, maybe you can make a few more friends."

Xia Xuan nodded: "Well, it's not impossible!"

She lowered her head and began to trim the flowers seriously, obviously not wanting to talk anymore.

Originally, Yan Lingfeng wanted to talk, but he could only interrupt it. He sighed heavily in his heart, when will they reconcile?

I really miss the goblin-like Xia Xuan who was changeable and charming before. He can only try his best to make her happy, and slowly forget the previous unpleasantness.

Federal Second Academy.

After Xia Ruo hung up the phone, she took out her terminal and habitually swiped the webpage.

She pays more attention to current affairs and news, but she didn't expect to find news about herself in one swipe.

It was only then that she discovered that she was not only on the hot search again, but also on the headlines of major news websites.

In addition to the video of playing the pipa and being invited to join the Interstellar Music Guild, some websites also dug out her identity and background.

I didn't see anything bad, and basically praised it overwhelmingly.

This made her a little surprised. The first time she was on the hot search before, she was often complained by Heizi.

Many people left messages under the news, hoping that she would open a star blog, and the two videos actually gained her a lot of fans.

Xingbo is similar to the modern Weibo. Xia Ruo has never opened it before. Seeing that many people are asking for it, she also wants to promote classical music, so she applied for Xingbo with some interest.

When Xia Ruo applied for Xingbo, Feng Yan had already finished the battle, and blacked out the websites of those deliberately rhythmic Navy Heizi teams.

He also traced the clues to find the mastermind behind the scenes, which made him a little surprised but also expected. This person was Jiang Yi who was very hostile to Xia Ruo before.

He found out that this team was dedicated to serving Jiang Yi, which also meant that there might be a force behind him supporting the other party, most likely the Jiang family brothers and sisters.

This Jiang Yi is really courageous, finding fault with Xia Ruo time and time again, before they wanted to find out more information along his line.

Who would have thought that this guy would continue to be a demon without restraint, which is tolerable or unbearable!

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