If it was normal, Feng Yan would directly take someone to Jiang Yi's dormitory and beat him up.

But he was afraid of ruining Xia Ruo's plan, so he forcibly resisted the urge to beat someone up.

He made a video call to Xia Ruo.

Xia Ruo had just finished applying for Xingbo and was picking out her avatar when Feng Yan's video call came in.

"Is there something wrong?"

Feng Yan nodded: "I found something, and I want to tell you about it."

"How about we go for a walk by the lake?" He had heard from Xi Yu before that the couples at school like to hold hands and go for a walk at night, so he suddenly wanted to experience it.

Even if he couldn't hold Xia Ruo's hand, they walked together like a couple, and just thinking about it dispelled the previous anger.

Seeing that he had something to do, Xia Ruo agreed, "Okay, see you by the school's lake later!"

"Okay, see you later!" After Feng Yan hung up the phone, he got up and went to change a set of clothes.

He usually wears a school uniform in class, but he can wear casual clothes at night. He picked out a casual outfit, which looks more sunny and handsome.

Take the suspended school bus and go directly to the artificial lake built by the school. There is a quiet path in Yangliu Yiyi by the lake, and there is a garden next to it, which is very suitable for a date and a walk.

Feng Yan stood by the lake and leaned against a tree, and people passing by, male or female, couldn't help but stare at him.

Xia Ruo didn't change her clothes, and arrived a few minutes late in her school uniform.

It was the setting sun at this time, and the rays of light falling on the lake sparkled beautifully, but the handsome guy standing not far away was even more eye-catching.

She walked over and said with a smile, "You bastard!"

This guy is leaning on the tree casually, he is lazy and lazy, he keeps turning his head 100%, very coquettish!

Feng Yan rubbed his nose, "I can't help it, who made me look so handsome, I'm so handsome that I can't give up on myself!"

Xia Ruo gave him a white look, "I'll give you some color, and you even opened a dyeing workshop."

"Let's go, let's take a walk!" Feng Yan had seen several couples before, and he didn't want to just stand by the lake.

Xia Ruo nodded: "Okay, you're in such a good mood, I'll walk with you."

The two walked into the alley side by side. Someone secretly took a photo of the two of them, and then put it on the school website, causing another wave of craze.

Most of the students in the college also recognized the two as a couple, at least the relationship would not be simple.

After walking for a while, Xia Ruo asked, "What did you find?"

Feng Yan replied: "The video of you playing the pipa in the elective class today was posted on the Internet, and soon there were trolls. I found out that someone hired a troll to hack you, so I went to investigate carefully."

"Who do you think did it?"

Xia Ruo was a little surprised, I really didn't expect that the Internet is so peaceful now, it turned out to be the credit of Feng Rogue.

She thought for a while, "Did Jiang Yi do it?"

Feng Yan couldn't laugh or cry, "Why are you so smart? I still want to show it off."

Xia Ruo shrugged, "When I heard you say that, I can only think of him. After all, he has done this kind of thing before, so he is very familiar with it."

"What are you going to do? I'm very upset and want to beat him up!" Feng Yan said bluntly.

Xia Ruo looked at his displeased face, and that wanton temperament subconsciously radiated out.

She chuckled and said, "Then go beat it!"

"Ah!" Feng Yan was stunned for a moment, "I've been beaten up, aren't you afraid of attracting the attention of the people behind him?"

Xia Ruo hooked her lips, "Just pay attention, we can beat you upright this time."

"He asked the navy to blackmail me, do you have any evidence?" She didn't intend to startle the snake, but Jiang Yi repeatedly provoked her to try to bully her, so she could only be rude.

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