Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 380: This Glory Only Belongs To You

As for what the people or forces behind Jiang Yi think, Xia Ruo doesn't care anymore.

She was too lazy to move before, and she wasn't a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, so she should let those people see what would happen if they offended her.

Feng Yan already knew that Xia Ruo was not soft-tempered, "Of course!"

"Okay, then let's go to Jiang Yi's dormitory and beat him up." Xia Ruo's hands were itchy.

Feng Yan Taohua's eyes were full of smiles, and they became more and more in tune, "Let's go!"

The two took the suspended bus to a villa area directly, and Feng Yan had already found out the number of buildings where Jiang Yi lived on the way.

The two went directly to knock on the door, and it was not Jiang Yi who opened the door, but one of his roommates.

He was startled when he saw Feng Yan and Xia Ruo standing outside the door.

Then he carefully looked at Feng Yan and asked with a smile: "Young Master Feng, are you looking for someone?"

"Is Jiang Yi here?" Feng Yan had long since changed his docile appearance in front of Xia Ruo, revealing his natural arrogance.

"Here, shall I ask him to come down?" the man asked respectfully.

Feng Yan nodded faintly, "Go and call!"

The man immediately turned around and went upstairs, as if he didn't dare to delay for a moment.

Xia Ruo was a little funny when she saw this, it seems that the image of Feng Rogue's school bully is really deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"He seems very afraid of you."

Feng Yan smiled: "There is no one in school who is not afraid of me. If I radiate evil spirits, their legs will be weak."

He glanced at her meaningfully, "You think they all look like you!"

"Then should I feel honored?" Xia Ruo joked.

Feng Yan nodded solemnly: "Of course, this honor belongs only to you! You can be proud for a long time!"

Xia Ruo reached out and pinched his waist, "Get out!"

Soon, Jiang Yi went downstairs with his roommate.

Seeing Feng Yan and Xia Ruo standing at the door, his eyes flickered, and he walked over enduring the tension in his heart.

"Young Master Feng, are you looking for me?" His attitude towards Feng Yan was quite respectful.

Feng Yan kicked him as soon as he raised his leg, and looked at him with extremely arrogant and cold eyes, "Do you know what I did?"

Jiang Yi never expected to be kicked as soon as they met.

"Feng Yan, don't go too far, I didn't mess with you!" He clutched his stomach with an angry look on his face.

"Slap!" Before Feng Yan could speak, Xia Ruo raised his hand and slapped him, "You didn't offend him, but you offended me!"

Bitch should slap his mouth!

Jiang Yi was completely dumbfounded, it was the first time he was slapped in the face since he was a child, his face instantly turned green and black, with burning anger, "Don't bully others too much, when did I offend you?"

He wanted to fight back, but his physical fitness was only B-level. He had seen Xia Ruo make a move, and he knew that he was not her opponent, so he could only grit his teeth and bear it, and his hatred grew stronger.

"Who told you to be mean!" Xia Ruo sneered, "Besides, I'm the one asking you this question."

"I don't know you and I'm even less familiar with you, but you bought trolls to hack me online, so why don't you explain it to me?"

This guy wants to beat him up, but there's no way!

Jiang Yi's eyes flickered again, he would never admit it, "I don't know what you are going to say?"

"I've already got the proof that you bought the Navy Hei Xiaruo. It's okay if you don't admit it, but you will have to pay for what you did!" Feng Yan sneered in the same way.

If you don't admit it, forget it? dream!

Jiang Yi pursed his lips and raised his head to stare at Xia Ruo. Even though he kept hiding it, there was still a trace of jealousy in his eyes, "What do you want to do?"

Xia Ruo kicked Jiang Yi to the ground, and directly explained with actions, "Beat you!"

She had long wanted to beat up this effeminate little boy, and she really thought that he was playing a conspiracy that others didn't know about.

It just so happened that she also wanted to see if that Jiang Yunqi would react when he knew his son had been beaten by her.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~ It will be put on the shelves after 0 o'clock, and then it will start to explode, please be the first to decide, okay~~~

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